Who are the people that populate the right wing, what drives them?

You will be forced to pray and go to church every Sunday. But we will let you pick your denomination

Once Trump is re-elected we have super plans for you. You can come peacefully or we can do it the hard way

but they will only allow evangelical churches to be built
but they will only allow evangelical churches to be built

That isn't true. The only places that will be banned from being built will be mosques. All existing mosques will be burned to the ground. All muslimes will be returned to whatever shit hole they cam from. They will have citizenship revoked.

We will round up EVERY illegal immigrant. I don't care how much it costs or the blood shed it creates. Our country will be purged of the undesirables

you will have no choice but to bend to our will

we will re-educate you. Your party will be destroyed never to resurrect itself
Love you Nazi wannabee folks , It's like watching the clown car in center ring at the circus. We will only waste our time with you one issue showing how fucking stupid you are, Violence---In 2018 there was 50 hate crimes murders, none were done by Mexicans ,none where done by blacks, none were done by Muslims, non were done by Democrats all 50 were murderers from your Nazi wannabee group. Every one of you pieces of shit are this countries biggest threat and enemy and you have to be disposed of.

You wanna dispose of us, lets get on with it. We're waiting...
Some are people with no defenses against a conman. They believe with a religious zeal and think anyone who does not agree is an apostate. They take the other side as evil. Most know that a person who is conned is the last one to figure it out. People who are taken by phone cons are pissed when the police stop it because they believe they had millions coming their way.
Trump has revealed himself for all to see and it is ugly. He lies and cons every day. Some of us look at him and are shocked that people think he makes a great president. We will be lucky to escape him and he has shown the serious flaws in our system.
These are the people who bought in to Trump university. Hard to see they cannot figure out Trump.
The man is not allowed to run a charity anymore because he looted his.

some just want jobs to not be sent overseas, and for leaders to do what's good for americans and not China's elite.
Doesn't pass the laugh test.

You stood on the sidelines cheering as taxpayers were made to spend trillions invading and occupying iraq
And you undoubtedly have never posted the slightest remorse for doing so

Saddam needed killin'.
That isn't true. The only places that will be banned from being built will be mosques. All existing mosques will be burned to the ground. All muslimes will be returned to whatever shit hole they cam from. They will have citizenship revoked.

We will round up EVERY illegal immigrant. I don't care how much it costs or the blood shed it creates. Our country will be purged of the undesirables

you will have no choice but to bend to our will

we will re-educate you. Your party will be destroyed never to resurrect itself

This sounds a lot like heaven.
some just want jobs to not be sent overseas, and for leaders to do what's good for americans and not China's elite.

Trump and Ivanka made their overpriced crap in China and foreign countries. You think THEY are the people to put in charge of that. they do not care .
Not just every Sunday morning, but Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. We will force him to sing in the choir. We will also brand a cross on his forehead. We will beat his sorry and unrepentant ass into submission with a red-hot chain. If he refuses he will be bound with razor wire, forced to look at naked pictures of Owl Woman and will be sacrificed on a coal fired alter.


Your obsession with me is duly noted! Thank you for the rent-free space in your head. I don't want to appear ungrateful but do you think you could tidy up a little? I mean really.... cobwebs, old Billy Beer cans everywhere, soiled Penthouse magazines, and that torn poster of a nude guy with a really big large bore.... gun...... Have some pride!
Doesn't pass the laugh test.

You stood on the sidelines cheering as taxpayers were made to spend trillions invading and occupying iraq
And you undoubtedly have never posted the slightest remorse for doing so

I guess DarkScab hasn't looked at the deficit or the debt lately. Talk about wasteful.
Your obsession with me is duly noted! Thank you for the rent-free space in your head. I don't want to appear ungrateful but do you think you could tidy up a little? I mean really.... cobwebs, old Billy Beer cans everywhere, soiled Penthouse magazines, and that torn poster of a nude guy with a really big large bore.... gun...... Have some pride!

You know how Jack loves you ;)
You know how Jack loves you ;)

That isn't true. The only places that will be banned from being built will be mosques. All existing mosques will be burned to the ground. All muslimes will be returned to whatever shit hole they cam from. They will have citizenship revoked.

We will round up EVERY illegal immigrant. I don't care how much it costs or the blood shed it creates. Our country will be purged of the undesirables

you will have no choice but to bend to our will

we will re-educate you. Your party will be destroyed never to resurrect itself
Dr Puss you sound like your even getting mad over someone elses religion, with total lack of any sense , Read the Koran and the bible twice , the bible is definitely more violent. And as the world turn way more Muslims have been murdered and tortured by Christians then the other way around. So lets define your hate group a little clearer, Pussy. In 2018 50 Americans were killed in hate crimes , NO democrat killed anyone, No black killed anyone , no Mexicans killed anyone , no Muslims killed anyone. They where all killed by you people and the right wing hate groups that your so proud of and they are also so proud of you, Yes Puss men like you and your party and candidate for the first time in history was totally supported by the big three, The Nazi's , the KKK and the white supremacists. My guess is your either a Nazi or a white supremacist . am I correct Dr Pussification.
You wanna dispose of us, lets get on with it. We're waiting...
FLUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there you go, the turd that your floating with down there, is Your leader Scum Bad , and Dr Pussification. Watch out for the doctor , he likes to have sax with dog. And You and Pres Scum bag are close enough for the Master of deviant sex, His thing is both Dogs and his mother but you will do in a pinch.
We were doing fine till Nancy took over the House,now she's spending
These people are so willing to yell to the world <NO YOUR NOT WRONG I AM STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When it comes to money spent small boy, it's always on the president. President has about 90% of the power when it comes to bills supported or vetoed.