Who are we gonna blame about this time next year ?


Villified User
Nothing much will be fixed, we will still be in Iraq or worse, into it with Iran and others. The financial market thing might be bottomed out and stabilizing by then. But things will most likely suck worse than now.

And I am saying this irregardless of which party wins the WH.

We need to change lots of our ways big time if we can expect to see a brighter future for America.
But I fear as a country we just plain don't have the balls to do what is needed.

Perhaps several years of hard times is required to teach us what really matters.
Nothing much will be fixed, we will still be in Iraq or worse, into it with Iran and others. The financial market thing might be bottomed out and stabilizing by then. But things will most likely suck worse than now.

And I am saying this irregardless of which party wins the WH.

We need to change lots of our ways big time if we can expect to see a brighter future for America.
But I fear as a country we just plain don't have the balls to do what is needed.

Perhaps several years of hard times is required to teach us what really matters.
I think, regardless of who wins, that 2010 will be a bad year to be President.

I agree that things are less likely to change than people think. We'll have to wait and see. I hope we'll still be here holding these conversations, some of us working towards the future we want to see.

I'm supporting people who support my ideas, trying to make the necessary connections to run without compromising my own positions in the future. If you remember I enumerated those ideas. I'm hoping a few of them win, and those people will become the future leaders that will make the hard decisions necessary to lead us out of the mess we have allowed to be created in our name.
Nothing much will be fixed, we will still be in Iraq or worse, into it with Iran and others. The financial market thing might be bottomed out and stabilizing by then. But things will most likely suck worse than now.

And I am saying this irregardless of which party wins the WH.

We need to change lots of our ways big time if we can expect to see a brighter future for America.
But I fear as a country we just plain don't have the balls to do what is needed.

Perhaps several years of hard times is required to teach us what really matters.

I guess so, this nation had to do it once, I guess us younguns need to learn it now!
Conservatives will still be blaming liberals, liberals will still be blaming conservatives, republicans will still be blaming democrats, democrats will still be blaming republicans and nothing will change except the bumper stickers.
Conservatives will still be blaming liberals, liberals will still be blaming conservatives, republicans will still be blaming democrats, democrats will still be blaming republicans and nothing will change except the bumper stickers.

HaHa, I thought it was a rhetorical question as well.
We keep going down the tubes till hard times teach us better.

Hard times don't make people stop the blame game. If anything it makes people do it even more. Political partisans will always battle and blame "the other side" regardless. It has been that way since the founding of our country.
When facing the unknown, theory is most of what we have to go on.

We are not in the unknown now though. Baring some radical not before seen change American people are going to have differing political views and there will always be partisan blame.
We are not in the unknown now though. Baring some radical not before seen change American people are going to have differing political views and there will always be partisan blame.

Ohh then we know exactly how Iraq is going to turn out ? Iran ? The economy ? Brad and Jolies babies ?
Ohh then we know exactly how Iraq is going to turn out ? Iran ? The economy ? Brad and Jolies babies ?

I didn't say we know how that will turn out. But do you disagree that people will be bickering over it and all sides of the political spectrum will be blaming each other?
I didn't say we know how that will turn out. But do you disagree that people will be bickering over it and all sides of the political spectrum will be blaming each other?

Oh yes people will always bicker. the issue is that when all people seem to do is bicker vs doing things to actually change things.
Sort of a ratio thing how many whiners and finger pointers vs how man doers.
And doing takes many forms.
It is all each of our faults. collectively speaking.

But at least I did not vote for Bush :D
just had to get that in there.