Who are we gonna blame about this time next year ?

I blame the Christians, they aren't praying hard enough!

Isn't it whatever you ask for in Jesus' name shall be given to you?
I blame the Christians, they aren't praying hard enough!

Isn't it whatever you ask for in Jesus' name shall be given to you?

You have to believe enough. The fact is, 1/100000000000000000etc. Christians could ever do that, because we live in this world and our senses dull our faith, and sin plays its role a great deal. Its like how your eyes "play tricks on you." But anyway...
I blame the Christians, they aren't praying hard enough!

Isn't it whatever you ask for in Jesus' name shall be given to you?
Only if you gather together and all pray for the same thing. They are crossing their messages and not praying as one big group. Bastages.
The mess will still be the fault of the people who created it.

The solutions will be the responsibility of who ever is in Office.

If McCain is elected and comes up with solutions that can work to rebuild what has been torn asunder by the mistakes of the last decade I will be behind him. If Obama does the same I will be behind him.

If either one starts pulling the same stupid non solution crap that we have heard for the last decade I will not back either one.

We need to fix so much that it is going to cost money. We will have to rebuild our military, get our crazy assed budget under control, fix our medical system, rebuild our infrastructure which has been ignored, fix our schools so that kids can compete in a world market, repair our countries reputation in the world, repair our justice system so that it is no longer a political arm of the president and the list just goes on and on and on.

There is going to be a lot for this next president to do.

I hope we get the man who is willing to at least face these problems as real.
I seriously doubt if this next president or congress will have th ball to do what needs to be done. Some of it will not be popular, and will lose votes. We need someone who will do what is needed and not pander for votes.
yeah I know just pipe dreaming....