Who are your favorite tambourine players all-time?

My top three:

Davey Jones - The Monkees
Tracy Partidge - The Partidge Family
Stevie Nicks - Fleetwood Mac

Prince, he did everything well.
Very good point. I believe Rod Stewart ALSO played the tambourine early in his career. Do any of you know WHERE the mighty tambourine originated? I have a feeling this instrument goes WAY back.

The tambourine originated in ancient Egyptian times. I couldn't find an exact date, but it was many, many years B.C. Now THAT'S an instrument with quite a lineage!
The tambourine originated in ancient Egyptian times. I couldn't find an exact date, but it was many, many years B.C. Now THAT'S an instrument with quite a lineage!

I have always been surprised that in the pantheon of rock history, the great tambourine players were not accorded the same status as the guitar heroes and drum gods.