Who are your heros?

Whenever I am asked about my personal heroes, I can think of no one other than the US Armed Forces. The young men and women who put their lives on the line every day for our country. The sheer level of selfless bravery is of "hero" status in my book, nothing else even comes close. In my personal life, my Uncle is the person I most admire and think of as a hero. He was awarded the Purple Heart in Korea, a paratrooper shot down behind enemy lines, (he took a tank mortar to the leg), nearly died trying to save his unit. He never spoke much about it, even when others would bring it up and want to hear about it, he was so modest and humble.

That said, there are many people I greatly admire, but wouldn't necessarily call them heroes. Ben Franklin has always been my favorite "founding father." Joe Namath, my favorite athlete. Neil Armstrong and John Glenn, my favorite space pioneers. Sir Isaac Newton, my favorite scientist. Chuck Norris, my favorite (real) action hero and Batman (original), my favorite (fictional) action hero. My favorite movie star heroes are Jimmy Stewart and Clint Eastwood, but the Duke is not far behind. Bobby Allison, my favorite NASCAR legend.
Here's my favorite hero:

Honestly my list was mostly a joke. I do admire certain aspects of all I listed, and many others though.
i was just watching some history channel thing called "the men who built america"

I have never been so inspired and in awe of such great men. Vanderbilt and john rockefeller where the episodes I saw. They totally kicked ass. It was awesome. My heros are definitely them.
In more or less chronological order:

Alexander the Great
Qin Shi Huang
Sima Qian
Gauius Gracchus
Julius Caesar
Julian the Apostate
Alexios I Kemnonos
Genghis Khan
Alexander Hamilton
Karl Marx
Vladmir Lenin
Eugene V. Debbs
Zhou Enlai
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Watermark, don't constitutional law and communism kind of cancel each other out? Also, LOL at Julian the Apostate.

I also want to say, fuck Alexander the Great. I love how being a bloody conqueror is admirable when it happened long ago, but try and conquer the world now, and you're worse than Hitler...
i was just watching some history channel thing called "the men who built america"

I have never been so inspired and in awe of such great men. Vanderbilt and john rockefeller where the episodes I saw. They totally kicked ass. It was awesome. My heros are definitely them.
Even though Rockefeller was a Buckeye?