Who coulda guessed?

I wonder how many 'chads' there are out there?


UPDATED at 2.54pm ET: Scroll to end of this article for the latest development in this story. After speaking directly with Chad Henderson, The Washington Post has confirmed that he has not in fact enrolled in a health-care plan.

Chad Henderson is the media’s poster boy for Obamacare. Reporters struggled this week to find individuals who said they had been able to enroll in one of the law’s 36 federally run health-insurance exchanges.

That changed yesterday, when they found Henderson, a 21-year-old student and part-time child-care worker who lives in Georgia and says that he successfully enrolled himself and his father Bill in insurance plans via the online exchange administered at healthcare.gov.

But in an exclusive phone interview this morning with Reason, Chad's father Bill contradicted virtually every major detail of the story the media can't get enough of. What's more, some of the details that Chad has released are also at odds with published rate schedules and how Obamacare officials say the enrollment system works.

The coverage of Chad Henderson has been massive. He was featured in The Washington Post Thursday as “the Obamacare enrollee that tons of reporters are calling.” He was also profiled in The Huffington Post as someone who “beat the glitches to sign up for Obamacare.” He was interviewed by Politico, multiple local news organizations, and, according to his Facebook feed, was asked to be part of a conference call hosted by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Chad's story was tweeted out by the official Obamacare Twitter feed. It was promoted to the media by Enroll America, a health-care activist group headed by a former White House communications staffer, as a sign of Obamacare’s success. Henderson told reporters at multiple news outlets that after a three-hour wait to sign up online, he enrolled around 3 a.m. Tuesday morning in an unsubsidized private insurance plan that would cost him about $175 a month. He also said that his father enrolled in separate coverage plan that would cost about $250 a month after factoring in the subsidies for which his father qualified on his approximately $24,000 annual income.

Chad’s decision to purchase his own, separate plan might surprise some. A monthly premium of $175 would represent about 30 percent of his pre-tax take home pay—about $583 a month on the $7,000 part-time income he claimed. And he could have chosen to be covered by his father’s plan, which, under the Affordable Care Act, would have been required to cover dependents up to the age of 26. Chad said his father encouraged him to be covered under his own plan, even though the cost was higher. "He's old school, so he wants me to take responsibility," Chad told The Huffington Post.

Henderson’s story was promoted as proof that the new health law can work for individuals. That was exactly how Chad intended it. He was a volunteer with President Obama’s campaign last year, and his LinkedIn page still lists him as an active volunteer with Organizing for Action, the former campaign organization which now advocates for the president’s legislative agenda.

He told The Washington Post that he was sharing his story because he wanted the new health law to succeed.

"I've read a few articles about how young people are very critical to the law's success," he said to The Post. "I really just wanted to do my part to help out with the entire process."

But details of Chad's story proved difficult to verify. And in a phone interview conducted this morning, Chad’s father Bill contradicted major details of Chad’s story. I reached Bill Henderson by following a series of links at Chad's Facebook page, through which I was able to speak directly to the father.

Bill Henderson told me that both he and his son were interested in getting coverage, but that he had not enrolled in any plan yet, and to his knowledge, neither had his son. He also said that when they do enroll, getting the most coverage for the least money would be the goal, and that he expects that he and his son will get coverage under the same plan.

I wonder how many liberal liars are claiming they registered when they really couldn't.
I wonder how many morons like you are grading the entire program, based on how the first week went?

I'm sure there are thousands of teabaggers that are attempting to jam up the website.

That's why I'll be using my agent. Many aren't aware that you can do that, because misinformation has ruled the day in the Red states.

Sucks to be you.
I wonder how many morons like you are grading the entire program, based on how the first week went?

I'm sure there are thousands of teabaggers that are attempting to jam up the website.

That's why I'll be using my agent. Many aren't aware that you can do that, because misinformation has ruled the day in the Red states.

Sucks to be you.

The very wealthy will put their teabagger minions to work playing every dirty trick in the book. This is their very existence at stake. And so it will be somewhat delayed but surely not stopped once Americans get a taste of health care freedom.

No evidence to prove that is going to be necessary and that's exactly why the big push against Obamacare needs to happen as quickly as possible. The right's ship of greed is starting to take water now!
I wonder how many morons like you are grading the entire program, based on how the first week went?

I'm sure there are thousands of teabaggers that are attempting to jam up the website.

That's why I'll be using my agent. Many aren't aware that you can do that, because misinformation has ruled the day in the Red states.

Sucks to be you.


Wolf Blitzer: Obamacare website shutdown ‘embarrassment for administration’
October 5, 2013 by Tom Tillison

The Obama administration quietly announced late Friday that the enrollment functions of the healthcare.gov site will be down for repairs this weekend.

The web site set up to allow people to enroll online in Obamacare has been “bedeviled by technology glitches,” as reported by CBS News. The results have been so poor that the Washington Post reported that the media was struggling to find anyone who had been able to enroll. except fake Chad...

The move prompted CNN’s Wolf Blitzer to call it “an embarrassment,” before sarcastically adding that the administration has “only had three years to get ready.”

“An embarrassment for the administration,” Blitzer stated. “Hopefully, they’ll get all those glitches out of the way by Monday, if possible. They’ve only had three years to get ready for this roll out.”

The Department of Health and Human Services said by Monday “there will be significant improvements in the online consumer experience.” Then again, it’s not hard to improve on zero.
Now this is funny. Obummer fails and his loyal cum sucking sycophants still blame everyone else.

Yes, it the evil scheme of us Tea Party folks to crash Obumers website


What tools some of you are
Live in a teabag state? Sucks to be you. Your governor refused to cooperate, thinking it would crash the system. So your pools suck.

Mine are great! I have more choices now than ever before.

Mars Hotel was probably the last great Dead album! They were all albums then!
Now this is funny. Obummer fails and his loyal cum sucking sycophants still blame everyone else.

Yes, it the evil scheme of us Tea Party folks to crash Obumers website


What tools some of you are

you are one smooth talking teabagger. Almost as smooth as Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind) who said, "We will not be disrespected. We need to get something out of this shutdown. I just don't know what it is.."
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) said, "We've offered four different amendments to the CR on how to defund the ACA. What's wrong with the Democrats?"
Michele Bachman (R-Minn.) said, "We are excited. The shutdown is exactly what we wanted and we got it."
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) blamed a park ranger for the memorial closure which he voted for.
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said, "We are winning. Just keep saying Democrats won't negotiate."
John Boehner, Ted Cruz' assistant, said, "This is no damn game, I have to do what the Koch Bros. tell me to do."
you are one smooth talking teabagger. Almost as smooth as Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind) who said, "We will not be disrespected. We need to get something out of this shutdown. I just don't know what it is.."
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) said, "We've offered four different amendments to the CR on how to defund the ACA. What's wrong with the Democrats?"
Michele Bachman (R-Minn.) said, "We are excited. The shutdown is exactly what we wanted and we got it."
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) blamed a park ranger for the memorial closure which he voted for.
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said, "We are winning. Just keep saying Democrats won't negotiate."
John Boehner, Ted Cruz' assistant, said, "This is no damn game, I have to do what the Koch Bros. tell me to do."

Fuck you motherfucker
"Partner kiki" is that you?

Go to 4:33 where you get your shout out. From rapping with Ice Cube and Too Short to JPP. Quite the journey. Welcome!

Given the refusal by Red states to comply, and the recent acceptance of the Medicaid increase by same, the Feds have admitted that they had a lot more work to do in order to set up exchanges.

So I reiterate....obstructionism is the reason for any problems. I had no problems viewing my options. I don't live in a teabagger state. Maybe my state has other sites to direct me to the information I want?
Given the refusal by Red states to comply, and the recent acceptance of the Medicaid increase by same, the Feds have admitted that they had a lot more work to do in order to set up exchanges.

So I reiterate....obstructionism is the reason for any problems. I had no problems viewing my options. I don't live in a teabagger state. Maybe my state has other sites to direct me to the information I want?

Like most incompetent negroes, it is always someone else's fault