WHO DAT?!?!?!?1!!!

we can't all drive Fords.....who would Ford drivers make fun of....
Good point! :clink:
I miss my old car so much. It was a ton easier to drive and it was goddamn near impossible to park. The truck is honestly a nuisance. I don't see why someone would willingly subject themselves to that.
Because there so damned practical....why what if you need to tow a 6 pack of beer or a loaf of bread?
I love my 2001 Lariat....on Christmas night my daughter borrowed it, lost control on black ice.....the insurance company decided to total it.....

I was sad....but I got on Craig's list and found one just like it except for color....sitting behind someone's garage in Ohio....ended up with a truck with 24k fewer miles, $1300 in my pocket and salvage rights to the old one.....now, if I can just find a cheap F150 that needs a new engine I may end up with a pair.....
I seem to have stumbled into the strange world of car company fanboys.

The F-150 costs about 21000 vs. 20000 for the RAM.
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Either way, you're buying a shitty American made car that's impossible to park and diffcult to drive because your attempting to make up for your tiny penis.
Either way, you're buying a shitty American made car that's impossible to park and diffcult to drive because your attempting to make up for your tiny penis.
For once your actually right Water. Guy who drive these things do ussually have small penises. They ussually have jobs too.
I seem to have stumbled into the strange world of car company fanboys.

The F-150 costs about 21000 vs. 20000 for the RAM.

and your point is?.....for only a thousand more you can have a truck that doesn't look like it has buck teeth.....or, for the same money you could buy a Yugo for each foot.....
Either way, you're buying a shitty American made car that's impossible to park and diffcult to drive because your attempting to make up for your tiny penis.
Some of us have a job that requires it. And I'm married, so my tiny penis is irrelevant.