Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
^^^Isn't that cute, Douche Duck is too stupid to get his own bits.
Let's read about you....
{What Is Pathological Lying?
Lying is a common behavior in humans. When someone tells a lie, there's often a clear reason they do so. Lying may be used as a tool to achieve a goal.
But pathological lying is often done without any reason and regardless of consequences. These lies are extensive and elaborate, and the urge to tell them is compulsive. Pathological liars often make up stories, even if that causes them harm. They may lose jobs and ruin relationships because of their lying.*
It isn’t clear whether pathological liars understand that what they say isn’t true. Some people believe the things they say, even when those things are clearly false. Other pathological liars will admit that they've been lying only when their lies are proved false.}}
Down under dumbass on the rage