The election was a 1%er paradise. Did any of you happen to check the biggest donors of Obama and Romney?
Sin city, Vegas (To prevent the religious right from shutting down sin city)
Coal (Everyone heard about coal, until Obama won..)
Big Oil (If I need to say more you shouldn't be on these forums)
Millitary Weapons. (If I need to say more you shouldn't be on these forums)
Wind energy (Obama pushes wind energy..)
Rich gays (Obama pushes for equality of humans..)
Medical equipment (They can price gouge under Obamacare)
Personal injury lawyers. (They can sue easier under Obamacare)
The "Free Market" won't wind up so innocent you think it will. Big Corp is willing to kill half of America if it means they can get rich and get away with it. Regulation is to keep America a safe place to live, which is true freedom. Crying about something that might cost a little bit more and wishing we had breathing air like China is just a pathetic lack of thinking. China recently had a fire go for 3 hours, as pointed out on the Daily Show. THREE HOURS and no one noticed because of the smog due to lack of
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So like everything else it boils down to one thing. What is it that YOU consider freedom? No extra cost to prevent a smog environment? Or living in a smog environment? My guess is in this situation, the money the Libertarians want to save will go to medical bills. People don't care until it happens to them which Chris Christie proved.