Who do you trust more , the rights president or Mueller.

Mueller has a life history of being an honest man and a solid public servant. Mueller attended NYU, Princeton and Virginia Law School. Then he went to army and went through the Rangers School. He fought in Vietnam and was wounded. He also got the bronze star,. So yeah, he and Trump are so much alike. He spent many years in the FBI rising up the ranks to director, just like Trump did.

:rofl2: Lying leftist moron loves him some Mueller now. :rofl2:
When your not very bright and have nothing to counteract someones points , you get this trivial weak crap, attacking the person instead of even coming close to contributing.. Small minds equals small responses.

Do you whine like this when liberals insult Conservatives dumbass? I am sorry if your little feelings get hurt when you are correctly described as a lying, hypocritical, whiny leftist dumbass on steroids. If you don't like it, stop being a lying, hypocritical, whiny leftist dumbass on steroids.

Keep this simple , you either contribute or you gone, say go right ahead. Nothing but useless crap, wasting bandwidth.

Is this simple enough for you; GO FUCK YOURSELF. I hope so; because liberals really are simple minded fools.

Nothing says a waste of bandwidth more than a whiny dumbfuck like you.
Well Truth deflector is now on the stupid as shit list , where all small minds end up in this world. It's been a slice.
Well Truth deflector is now on the stupid as shit list , where all small minds end up in this world. It's been a slice.

Irony; someone who is stupid as shit having a stupid as shit list. I hope you are at the top of that list you whiny lying hypocrite. :rofl2: