who has experienced a death in the family

i recently lossed my brother. i don't talk it about it much, i figured "life" happens....it does affect me more than i care to admit.

my mom has gone to group hospice and she says it is valuable, not the answer, nor will anything ever be the answer, but it helps....

anyone have any experience with hospice? or experience with a death in the family.

I'm so sorry for your brother's untimely death. I know there's an empty place in your life now. I trust you have many fond memories of growing up together that will help you heal.
My father died when I was 16. I saw several friends die in Nam. sigh...

It takes time to heal after the loss of a loved one or good friend.
Time seems to be the main thing. about 3 years and wounds seem to scar over.
i recently lossed my brother. i don't talk it about it much, i figured "life" happens....it does affect me more than i care to admit.

my mom has gone to group hospice and she says it is valuable, not the answer, nor will anything ever be the answer, but it helps....

anyone have any experience with hospice? or experience with a death in the family.

I am truly sorry for your loss. Was he your older bro or younger?

I lost my younger brother a little more than three years ago, it still affects me from time to time, but I can tell you it does get better. There are moments where I will lose it, but whoever said "time heals all wounds" was speaking the truth.

He is watching over you and knows you are thinking about him.
┐(´-`)┌;522373 said:
man now im depressed :(

the father of a girl that i dated off and on for a while died. when it happened i was super pissed off at her and when i saw her one day i didn't say anything at all i basically ignored her. This ranks in top ten life regrets of being an asshole. Im total scum
Don't be depressed. I have you on my death pool. :clink:
Everything else aside.
They can't stop you from going to her gravesite and say your good-byes.
If she was cremated, then go to a spot that she loved or someplace that means something to the both of you and spend some time remembering and saying your farewells.

We each grieve in our own way.

Unfortunately they can prevent you going to the grave site. It's usually an urn behind a plaque with a photo to identify it from the tens of thousands of others. The family have not placed her photo. Fortunately her nephew was once a student of mine and has promised to take us.
Thank you for your first, and I hope not your last, civil post.
Unfortunately they can prevent you going to the grave site. It's usually an urn behind a plaque with a photo to identify it from the tens of thousands of others. The family have not placed her photo. Fortunately her nephew was once a student of mine and has promised to take us.
Thank you for your first, and I hope not your last, civil post.

Where there's a will, there's a way.
Remember what I also said about a special place that was shared.

Could you have possibly left off the last little "dig"?
Thanks would have been plenty.
In my post to you; I said nothing about anything that had to do with you, except for your loss.
I am so sorry. It just doesn't seem fair.

My mother died in February. I miss her wit, her laughter, and her intelligence. The care she received at Kaiser was phenomenal, but no matter what, it is hard to see someone you love to your very cells take their last breath.

I will always, always miss her.
My mother died in February. I miss her wit, her laughter, and her intelligence. The care she received at Kaiser was phenomenal, but no matter what, it is hard to see someone you love to your very cells take their last breath.

I will always, always miss her.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I wish I had known. My experience has been the pain might subside, but it never, never, ever goes away. My heart goes out to you.
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Remember what I also said about a special place that was shared.

Could you have possibly left off the last little "dig"?
Thanks would have been plenty.
In my post to you; I said nothing about anything that had to do with you, except for your loss.

Not intended as a dig, more a word of encouragement.
Yurt, I just found out today a guy who I became good friends with at work died Friday night in a car accident. He went to USC as well and I was going to e-mail him today about our teams loss and instead I get an email about his loss of life. It hit me hard and he was just a friend in the office. I can only imagine what you are going through with your brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you man.