Who is currently the stupidest member of Congress?

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Who in your opinion is the stupidest member of Congress? Yes, yes, there are so many to choose from, but who do you think takes first prize? Please regale us with examples of your choice so we can compare and contrast them.
Space lasers to 9/11 conspiracies: A glance at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


Louie Gohmert, easily:

Insisted the Muslim Brotherhood was entrenched in the Obama Administration and that there goal was to make America another Ottoman Empire

That animals get warm from being near oil pipelines so closing one would threaten nature

That mass murders was due to a loss of faith among Americans

Vaccines were an attempt for elites to narrow down the population of those they didn’t want around

That the Democrat Party should be legally banned by Congress because they once supported the Confederacy

That Al Qaeda was smuggling pregnant women into America so that their kids would be home grown terrorists, terrorist babies, and, later, that ISIS was infecting members with Ebola to impersonate Mexicans and sneak across the border to infect Americans

That George Soros worked for the Nazis persecuting Jews during WWII

Said Senator McCain was under terrorist control

Called for Congressional investigations into Russian involvement in Truman, Kennedy, and Cater’s campaigns for President

That he gave himself COVID because he wore a mask


There’s plenty more if you need them
Greene is a good possibility. Some others include:

Sheila Lee Jackson
Hank "Guam might capsize" Johnson--He's also a major racist bigot.
Mazie Hirono
Debbie Lesko
Eric Swalwell

AOC or Tim Kane aren't nearly stupid enough to match those major retards. Of course, there's a whole raft of other morons to choose from as well...
Rand Paul has to be in the running.

Have any utterly stupid things he's said you can quote?

Mazie Hirono during the Kavanaugh hearing said:

“Starting today, I’m asking nominees to our courts, under oath, whether or not they have a history of sexual assault or harassment”

Maybe she could have just used the older and much funnier line, Do you still beat your wife? Her complex question fallacy is a classic of stupidity.
She thinks, and is on the record, saying that the phrase "sexual preference" is "offensive and outdated." WTF?
Read some of her comments on Trump handling children at the border and compare that to her total silence now with Biden's mishandling of that situation...

Of course, it's hard to beat Hank "Guam might capsize" Johnson for utter stupidity. The guy is truly an idiot.

You might look up Debbie Lesko. She's competing with Greene for conspiracy lunatic of the year.

That AOC didn't know what a garbage disposal was and then put a video online about it is pretty damn stupid too...
Who in your opinion is the stupidest member of Congress? Yes, yes, there are so many to choose from, but who do you think takes first prize? Please regale us with examples of your choice so we can compare and contrast them.

This asshole is my pick:

The genuinely stupid ones are all identified as such on the roster.

Just look for (R) after their names.

Their are some exceptions like Joe Manchin who's mistakenly identified with a (D).
Don't see it. Gaetz is a flashy asshole but that doesn't make him a retard or drooling idiot.

Now, there's Tim Kane the village idiot. That guy grins continuously like he has an IQ about the same as his pants size.

Dude, he was flashing naked picture of his whores, some of whom may have been underage. He's corrupt and will probably face more prison time than Derek Chauvin. His buddy Joel is about to roll on Matt for leniency in his own crimes.

How fucking stupid does a person have to be to get their ass sent to prison?
Dude, he was flashing naked picture of his whores, some of whom may have been underage. He's corrupt and will probably face more prison time than Derek Chauvin.

How fucking stupid does a person have to be to get their ass sent to prison?

I don't think stupid is a qualification there. If it were Bagman would already be headed there as but one example.