Who is currently the stupidest member of Congress?

I don't think stupid is a qualification there. If it were Bagman would already be headed there as but one example.
Are you saying that, if all true, that Matt Gaetz's actions weren't stupid? Something to be admired or just easily forgiven because he's a good Trump supporter?
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Have any utterly stupid things he's said you can quote?

Mazie Hirono during the Kavanaugh hearing said:

Maybe she could have just used the older and much funnier line, Do you still beat your wife? Her complex question fallacy is a classic of stupidity.
She thinks, and is on the record, saying that the phrase "sexual preference" is "offensive and outdated." WTF?
Read some of her comments on Trump handling children at the border and compare that to her total silence now with Biden's mishandling of that situation...

Of course, it's hard to beat Hank "Guam might capsize" Johnson for utter stupidity. The guy is truly an idiot.

You might look up Debbie Lesko. She's competing with Greene for conspiracy lunatic of the year.

That AOC didn't know what a garbage disposal was and then put a video online about it is pretty damn stupid too...

Rand Paul:

"“With regard to the idea of whether you have a right to health care, you have to realize what that implies. It’s not an abstraction. I’m a physician. That means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery. It means that you’re going to enslave not only me, but the janitor at my hospital, the person who cleans my office, the assistants who work in my office, the nurses.”"
Space lasers to 9/11 conspiracies: A glance at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene



I'd probably vote for Gaetz as the most stupid.

I really cannot vote for Taylor-Greene, because she is the spitting image of a woman from back a few decades in my life who, despite not being the brightest lamp on the tree, gave the most wonderful blow-jobs ever. I still get excited thinking about them...even though almost a half century has passed.

I know, I know...that is crass and a bit sexist. But when the delight comes as it did when she finished...crass or sexism is not even in play.

My guess (just a guess) is that Taylor-Greene is probably every bit as good in that department as my old friend...and if she is smart enough to say, "Let go of my ears, I know what I'm doing"...she is a Mensa candidate in my opinion.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Rand Paul:

"“With regard to the idea of whether you have a right to health care, you have to realize what that implies. It’s not an abstraction. I’m a physician. That means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery. It means that you’re going to enslave not only me, but the janitor at my hospital, the person who cleans my office, the assistants who work in my office, the nurses.”"

While a bit exaggerated, he's correct. A Right is an immutable thing. You are entitled to as much of it as you want.

This is a common misunderstanding on the Left. They attribute Rights to all sorts of things that can't be or aren't. For example, the Left might say You have a Right to a high school diploma... Well, then I can get a high school diploma whenever I want one because I have a Right to it. If you were to argue you must do a certain course of study and complete this to get one then it isn't a Right.
If you had a Right to a driver's license, then everybody gets a driver's license, no questions asked.

When you start putting conditions and a price tag on a Right, it is no longer a Right, but a privilege or opportunity you have in life. You have no inherent, automatic, access to it like you do with a Right.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

While a bit exaggerated, he's correct. A Right is an immutable thing. You are entitled to as much of it as you want.

This is a common misunderstanding on the Left. They attribute Rights to all sorts of things that can't be or aren't. For example, the Left might say You have a Right to a high school diploma... Well, then I can get a high school diploma whenever I want one because I have a Right to it. If you were to argue you must do a certain course of study and complete this to get one then it isn't a Right.
If you had a Right to a driver's license, then everybody gets a driver's license, no questions asked.

When you start putting conditions and a price tag on a Right, it is no longer a Right, but a privilege or opportunity you have in life. You have no inherent, automatic, access to it like you do with a Right.

A straw man argument. Nobody is arguing that a diploma or a license is a right. Driving is a privilege. The opportunity to get an education should be a right.

Basic healthcare is a right. We simply have not made it official.

And even if we do, what Paul said is absurd because making health care a legal right does not obligate him as a physician to provide services on demand. I means the government needs to guarantee it. Paul is not the government.
When Leftist nutbags like Cher spank you, and you are a Leftist Congressperson, I think that should tell you SOMETHING.

AOC cost her constituents 25,000 Jobs.

That is pretty freaking stupid.

Cher Hammers Ocasio-Cortez For Costing NY 25,000 Amazon Jobs
FEBRUARY 15, 2019 AT 3:47PM

American singer and actress Cher took a jab at New York progressives for squashing a deal with Amazon to establish their second headquarters in New York City.

The broken deal, which an Amazon spokesman said was specifically due in part to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her vocal resistance, was supported by 70 percent of New Yorkers.

It would have brought upwards of 25,000 jobs to the region. Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the news of losing such a vast amount of wealth and work on social media.

“Everyday New Yorkers & their neighbors defeated Amazon’s corporate greed, its worker exploitation, and the power of the richest man in the world,” she gloated.

Cher, as she often finds herself, was confused. Yet she still managed to send a first-of-its-kind coherent inquiry to the New York Democrats who chased Amazon out of the state.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Rand Paul:

"“With regard to the idea of whether you have a right to health care, you have to realize what that implies. It’s not an abstraction. I’m a physician. That means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery. It means that you’re going to enslave not only me, but the janitor at my hospital, the person who cleans my office, the assistants who work in my office, the nurses.”"

This message is hidden because Nifty Niblick is on your ignore list.

I've no further contribution to make to this discussion.
I just want PoliTalker to enjoy the above notification.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

A straw man argument. Nobody is arguing that a diploma or a license is a right. Driving is a privilege. The opportunity to get an education should be a right.

Basic healthcare is a right. We simply have not made it official.

And even if we do, what Paul said is absurd because making health care a legal right does not obligate him as a physician to provide services on demand. I means the government needs to guarantee it. Paul is not the government.

"Basic healthcare is a right."

Not if it requires someone else to do the work with or without compensation and whether or not they wish to do so.

That is NOT consistent with a "right."

And when a Doctor or anyone is forced to provide that healthcare against their will, that is proof that it is not a right.

Your sweeping the part that you can't rationalize into the background and pointing to the State to somehow MAGICALLY make the healthcare available by THEIR hand and not yours, is indicative of how many Liberals process information.

If they can pretend it doesn't exist, IT DOESN'T EXIST in their minds.

And that is just one of the ways that Liberals are screwing up America.

They are mentally handicapped to different degrees and in different ways.

And we are forced to tolerate their pretense of capability when too often, they are inept and unable to realize it and so they use their VERY competent fighting ability to fight for the incompetent policies.
Greene is a good possibility. Some others include:

Sheila Lee Jackson
Hank "Guam might capsize" Johnson--He's also a major racist bigot.
Mazie Hirono
Debbie Lesko
Eric Swalwell

AOC or Tim Kane aren't nearly stupid enough to match those major retards. Of course, there's a whole raft of other morons to choose from as well...

You asked for the stupidest, not most controversial, but stupidest, with examples, and I still say it is hard to beat my vote for Louie Gohmert:

*Insisted the Muslim Brotherhood was entrenched in the Obama Administration and that there goal was to make America another Ottoman Empire
*That animals get warm from being near oil pipelines so closing one would threaten nature
*That mass murders was due to a loss of faith among Americans
*Vaccines were an attempt for elites to narrow down the population of those they didn’t want around
*That the Democrat Party should be legally banned by Congress because they once supported the Confederacy
*That Al Qaeda was smuggling pregnant women into America so that their kids would be home grown terrorists, terrorist babies, and, later, that ISIS was infecting members with Ebola to impersonate Mexicans and sneak across the border to infect Americans
*That George Soros worked for the Nazis persecuting Jews during WWII
*Said Senator McCain was under terrorist control
*Called for Congressional investigations into Russian involvement in Truman, Kennedy, and Cater’s campaigns for President
*That he gave himself COVID because he wore a mask


Tough to beat Louie:

Hello T. A. Gardner,

A straw man argument. Nobody is arguing that a diploma or a license is a right. Driving is a privilege. The opportunity to get an education should be a right.

Basic healthcare is a right. We simply have not made it official.

And even if we do, what Paul said is absurd because making health care a legal right does not obligate him as a physician to provide services on demand. I means the government needs to guarantee it. Paul is not the government.

Until about 1880 - 1890 basic healthcare barely existed as something. What we have today didn't appear until the 1920's and 30's. Even providing basic healthcare as a Right requires someone to do this and access to the materials necessary for that to happen. All of that costs money and if there is some requirement that a "professional" or licensed person be involved, then yes, healthcare providers could be made to give care by force of government.
Then shares some that you love and let's see what we think of them.

Before the crash in 1929, Joseph Kennedy Sr. stopped to get a shoe shine. The shoeshine boy excitedly chatted about hot stock tips he was hearing. Kennedy had an epiphany: "If a shoeshine boy can predict where this market is going to go, then it's no place for a man with a lot of money to lose."

He not only got out of the stock market, which had made him rich through the 20s, but he also aggressively shorted it and made even more money with the Crash of 1929.

Funny, huh? How some people can see things others can't?
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Until about 1880 - 1890 basic healthcare barely existed as something. What we have today didn't appear until the 1920's and 30's. Even providing basic healthcare as a Right requires someone to do this and access to the materials necessary for that to happen. All of that costs money and if there is some requirement that a "professional" or licensed person be involved, then yes, healthcare providers could be made to give care by force of government.

Oh, here we go with the old conservative myth about the fears of communism and the government telling you how to run your life. That's not what I'm calling for, but that's what you're hearing.

Now listen to me:

There is no need for anybody to be forced to do any job they don't want to do.

All we need to do is fairly tax the super rich who have gotten so rich by fleecing the general public and rigging legislation in their favor, and we use that money to pay for the services that the greatest country on Earth SHOULD PROVIDE.

How can we call ourselves great when so many in our nation lack the wealth to be able to afford what's 'great' about America?

The wealth exists in this nation to do this. The problem is it lies in some of the stingiest hands on Earth. The super-rich in America are so rich they could never spend it all in one lifetime. You could tax them at 90% and they would still be fabulously wealthy and it would not impact their lifestyle one bit. What's all that money for? They can't take it with them. All they are doing is passing it on to the next generation. What kind of lesson does that teach their heirs? They shouldn't have to work for what they have if they are born into it? Or is it just a number that they are obliged to try to push ever higher during their own lives...

What is the point of all that?

Especially when there are so many in such dire need.
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Who is currently the stupidest member of Congress?

It would be easy to point to crazy conspiracy theorist Taylor-Greene, but how much of that is actually stupidity, and how much is fooling the stupid followers. Likewise, Gaetz acted stupidly in pursuit of sex, but sex makes many of us stupid. He was arrogant, but that is taught not necessarily lack of intelligence.

Lack of intelligence is not about success or failure. Cronkite interviewed every President from FDR to Bush, and said Carter was the smartest. Not the most successful, but the smartest. There is an important difference.

So I would say Madison Cawthorn. He was homeschooled, and just barely passed the test to get a high school degree. The test is easier than going to high school. He then road in a car with a drunk friend and got into an accident. That part is the stupidity of youth, so I am not counting it against him. Before the accident, even with strong political support from his powerful local family, he was rejected from Annapolis. It is difficult for the Navy to overrule a Congressional appointment to their academy, they only do that when the candidate is dumber than dirt.

Cawthorn was backdoored into Patrick Henry College, because he was so clearly unqualified even for a third rate college they could not get him in through the front door. He flunked out after one semester. He blamed the injury for his inability to read a book, but there is no evidence he was ever able to read a book.

Then he watched TV for four years... And after that, he was elected to Congress by the state of Tennessee.

I am not even joking.

Here is a quote by him, claiming his stupidity is caused by his accident(remember, the Navy had already found him completely stupid before the accident):
You know, suffering from a brain injury after the accident definitely I think it slowed my brain down a little bit. Made me less intelligent. And the pain also made reading and studying very difficult.