And you N4Ts best start sharpening up your mop swinging and toilet brush wielding skills in order to make good impressions on your new Ruskie bosses.
Out of care and concern for your benefit and that of your fellow N4T trump toadies, I have taken the liberty of compiling this list of Russian words and terms you'll want to familiarize yourselves with in advance so you can jump right into your new jobs and impress your new Kremlin masters right away....
stirat' - стирать (v) = wash
sushit' - сушить (v) = dry
mit' - мыть (v) = clean
vytirat'в - ытирать (v) = wipe
vytirat' - tryapkoy вытирать тряпкой = wipe with a rag
pylesosit' - пылесосить (v) = vacuum
vynosit'в - ыносить (v) = take out
vynosit' musorв - ыносить мусор = take out the garbage
podmetat' - подметать (v) = sweep
myt' shvabroy - мыть шваброй (p) = mop
vitirat' pyl' - вытирать пыль (p) = dust
скраб - skrab (v) = scrub
туалет - tualet = toilet
I hope this comes in handy and helps you out well next year.
Dasvidaniya, comrade!!!!