Who is going to win the Republican civil war?

Previously I thought it was clear the moderate reasonable Republicans would win, now I am wondering if the Tea Party wins.

It seems to me if the Tea Party wins the war, the Republicans will be resigned to 25 years of minority status and life without the presidency. If the Moderate Republicans win, we will continue with a balanced two party system.


Seems to me you should be rooting for the Tea Party then

Burn the fucker down I say
Here we go again, Ultra Leftist Liberal Douchebags telling us that RINO Republicans are the bee's knees and true Conservatives are evil incarnate?
The difference between the two is democrats are weak as shit .. and republicans are fucking INSANE.

They are both just into the elites, most of whom are the same folks for both sides. Each of the donors usually giving more to one side or the other.

this proves mine though

If a big loan was key to the Democrat's event, extremely wealthy individuals, in particular Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, made it unnecessary for Republicans to go into debt. Adelson gave $5 million, while Bill Edwards, a Tampa area resident, gave $4.6 million through two of his companies, Marketing Solution Publications and Mortgage Investor's Corp. Several big hedge fund players also topped the list of individual donors -- Paul Singer of Elliott Management, who has donated millions to conservative super PACs, gave $1 million, as did Robert Mercer of Renaissance Technologies, also a large donor to conservative super PACs. Paulson & Company, the hedge fund run by John Paulson, gave another $1 million. James S. Davis, the chairman of shoe company New Balance, also donated $1 million

this proves mine though

If a big loan was key to the Democrat's event, extremely wealthy individuals, in particular Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, made it unnecessary for Republicans to go into debt. Adelson gave $5 million, while Bill Edwards, a Tampa area resident, gave $4.6 million through two of his companies, Marketing Solution Publications and Mortgage Investor's Corp. Several big hedge fund players also topped the list of individual donors -- Paul Singer of Elliott Management, who has donated millions to conservative super PACs, gave $1 million, as did Robert Mercer of Renaissance Technologies, also a large donor to conservative super PACs. Paulson & Company, the hedge fund run by John Paulson, gave another $1 million. James S. Davis, the chairman of shoe company New Balance, also donated $1 million

Depends on what you're lying about. The Democrats had much more money, but spent it upfront, falling short of paying for their convention.
and from Desh's link:

...Many of the same large corporations that gave money or in-kind donations to the Democrats also gave similar amounts, or more, to the Republicans, with publicly traded corporations topping the list of donors to the Republican event: AT&T gave $3 million (not counting in-kind donations for telephone service), Microsoft gave almost $1.6 million and United Health Care Services gave $522,000. Bank of America also gave $1 million to the Tampa event and another $150,000 in in-kind donations. The Republican convention also got a significant boost from the oil and gas industry -- the American Petroleum Institute gave $2 million, while America's Natural Gas Alliance chipped in $400,000.

They are both just into the elites, most of whom are the same folks for both sides. Each of the donors usually giving more to one side or the other.
agree. partisan politics is almost a diversionary affair for plutocratic rule.
Not saying there aren't legitimate difference in policy with the partys; but when it comes to aquiesence to special interests, they are "sameness"

Won't even go into Bush/Obama foreign war policy - exact sameness
This Kabuki affair will be over in day or so....until the next Kabuki affair. Anyone think Obamacare isn't going to effect?

The debt ceiling won't be raised? pro - forma political dancing..
yes the only question is how much damage will the republicans do to the country in their little dance
They are both just into the elites, most of whom are the same folks for both sides. Each of the donors usually giving more to one side or the other.

Seems like Charles Ferguson came to the same conclusion:


...This, of course, was the real consequence, and probably the real intent, of the announcements by the RNC, Philippe Reines, and David Brock. Neither political party wanted the film made. After painful reflection, I decided that I couldn't make a film of which I would be proud. And so I'm cancelling. (Not because of any pressure from CNN -- quite the contrary.) It's a victory for the Clintons, and for the money machines that both political parties have now become. But I don't think that it's a victory for the media, or for the American people. I still believe that Mrs. Clinton has many virtues including great intelligence, fortitude, and a deep commitment to bettering the lives of women and children worldwide. But this is not her finest hour.
taxing medical device makers will make health care more affordable... oh wait... no... it will have the exact opposite effect.

I wonder why Dems want to keep the poor from affording the newest devices?

It's tacked on here as a scare tactic, the only thing that actually might drive people the other way and very possibly was included in the main program to pander to some big manufacturer or org. DOesnt mean it's right...it's just being used as an unpleasant pawn to sway those that dont examine things very deeply.