Who Is Q?


Indeed, there is much to be ready for. In addition to the international purveyors of disinformation, some of the crank calls are coming from inside the house. Enter QAnon, the internet-driven conspiracy theory that portrays Trump as the messiah, sent by God to defeat an alleged cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophile Democrats who seek global domination and feast on hormones extracted from children’s blood. Trump described QAnon followers—a group that the FBI has labeled a potential domestic terrorist threat—as “people that love our country.” To date, Trump has reportedly amplified accounts promoting QAnon conspiracy theories at least 216 times.

On Sunday, the White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told Chris Wallace that he had to Google QAnon to find out what it is, as opposed to requesting an FBI briefing. Unlike him, the Russians are doing their homework. Outlandish QAnon conspiracies are translated into Russian and thoroughly studied by pro-Kremlin propagandists
Flynn was definitely a source of disinformation used by Q. The rest of that link is bullshit. Another nefarious group behind providing disinformation is known as The Army of Northern Virginia, which is made up of former intelligence operatives.
From November 2017 on, QAnon was the single most frequent hashtag tweeted by accounts that Twitter has since identified as Russian-backed, a Reuters analysis of the archive shows, with the term used some 17,000 times.

The archives contain more than 4,000 accounts that Twitter suspended for spreading Russian government disinformation in 2018 and 2019 but preserved for researchers.

QAnon posts were promoted by Russia-linked accounts as early as November 2017

A conservative blogger named Tracy Diaz was helped by Russian-linked Twitter accounts to promote QAnon as early as November 2017, records show

The trove shows that some of the Russian accounts tweeted about QAnon's most important populariser, Tracy Diaz, even before the anonymous figure known as Q emerged.

The accounts then rewarded Ms Diaz with more promotion when she put videos about Q on YouTube.