Who is running the show ?

BullshitBob hates Freeways. Calls them 'Communist'. Built by the Government. Free for everybody.
As a True Capitalist, BullshitBob claims having a Toll Booth every 10 miles would be the Smart Move. That way, you just pay for that certain part of the Roadway you actually use.
(Yes. It might take you 3 weeks to get from NYC to L.A., but why look at the downside)

Interesting. So we get private contractors to build a stretch of road, and then put up toll booths. And we can witness the complete collapse of interstate commerce. Brilliant!!!
Interesting. So we get private contractors to build a stretch of road, and then put up toll booths. And we can witness the complete collapse of interstate commerce. Brilliant!!!

BullshitBob claims it's all about 'Capitalism'. Once you let some kind of 'Central Planning' by the Government creep in, once some kind of 'Communal' need is addressed, you let the specter of Communism enter the conversation.

See. In BullshitBob's mind: Communism = Atheism = Bad.
BullshitBob claims it's all about 'Capitalism'. Once you let some kind of 'Central Planning' by the Government creep in, once some kind of 'Communal' need is addressed, you let the specter of Communism enter the conversation.

See. In BullshitBob's mind: Communism = Atheism = Bad.

It's bizarre. I'm pragmatic. Social programs, shared infrastructure.... those are pragmatic. It has nothing to do with politics.
It's bizarre. I'm pragmatic. Social programs, shared infrastructure.... those are pragmatic. It has nothing to do with politics.

Yes. Pragmatic. This sheer logic on your part escapes BullshitBob and his kind. When asked about the Panama Canal and why the US Government built it, BullshitBob exclaims "Is Panama A State?!?".

"How the Panama Canal helped make the U.S. a world power"

'BullshitBob' ...

Spike the punch! Add Vodka

Post Bran
Saturate with A1 menhaden oil.
Mix thoroughly with water.
Store in ziplock bag.
User instructions.
Take a pinch and toss overboard.

Still didn't answer the question, to repeat, are your “mysterious handlers” the new “deep state deep state,” or maybe, the “really deep state?”

The deep state is corn holing him all the time. Usually late at night after his evening meds. It’s why he wakes up so butthurt every morning.
The Public School System.
Buildings built by the State.
Teachers paid by the State.
Free for Everyone.

BullshitBob claims only those with enough money should learn to Read & Write.

No i never claimed that you lying cock sucker.
Public school systems are very much needed but sadly need to be reworked policy wise. We spend more money then other nations and get poor results.
Another fine lie from lying dutch the corn hole king

ROFLMAO. Bobbie, your dementia makes you very predictable....predictably stupid and angry.

I truly do hope you find happiness and peace before you die. You might die today, but you certainly won't be finding peace and happiness today. That takes time and willingness on your part.
Dutch why do you lie about being a combat pilot oo. Nam when you claim your younger then me and im not old enough to have served in that war. Then you claim you were in the navy the a marine.why do you lie about it ditch boy