Who Is The Democrat Equivalent of Sarah Palin?

We need to establish a working definition of Sarah Palin for this conversation to be meaningful. I interpreted it to mean a loud-mouthed, largely unintelligent public figure successful only at riling up the base and antagonizing the other side. Michael Moore and Arianna Huffington meet that definition admirably. I dislike Olberrman but I won't call him unintelligent. He is, however, a rabble rouser who makes no effort whatsoever to bridge the left-right divide. Dungheap seems to be adding in a requirement for current or past affiliation with national politics. Within that definition, I would say Al Franken meets that criteria best. To a lesser extent, because he is not unintelligent, I would say Dennis Kuchinich.
We need to establish a working definition of Sarah Palin for this conversation to be meaningful. I interpreted it to mean a loud-mouthed, largely unintelligent public figure successful only at riling up the base and antagonizing the other side. Michael Moore and Arianna Huffington meet that definition admirably. I dislike Olberrman but I won't call him unintelligent. He is, however, a rabble rouser who makes no effort whatsoever to bridge the left-right divide. Dungheap seems to be adding in a requirement for current or past affiliation with national politics. Within that definition, I would say Al Franken meets that criteria best. To a lesser extent, because he is not unintelligent, I would say Dennis Kuchinich.
Dennis is far better informed. You have to find someone as ignorantly uninformed, too!
My criteria was "loud-mouthed" and "largely unintelligent public figure". I acknowledged that Kuchinich is not unintelligent but he is certainly loudmouthed and antagonistic toward everyone but the base.
And by this question I mean who is the Democrat that is currently not in a political office (and not an ex-President) that gets the most sh*t from the right? My initial thought was Al Gore but things with him have been pretty quiet recently. And maybe there's not an equivalent at the moment. Is there someone I'm forgetting?
I see kind of a false premis on your question. Sara just received the common level of scrutiny that any politician running for high office has received. Mainly she has been questioned, and fairly I might add, about her lack of education and experience as well as what her stands on specific policy issues were. She didn't exactly impress. Though she was kinda mavericky.

This is more of a case of Sarah's supporters being hypersensitive, some to the point of being irrational.

What really cracks me up is that Sarah Palin isn't even remotely as well educated as Hilliary Clinton, isn't remotely as politically experienced as Hilliary, doesn't know a fraction about the law or law making that Hilliary does nor has she even remotely close to receiving the degree of savaging that Hilliary Clinton has received from her political opponents and you hear all this whining about they way she's being treated.

Well is Sarah can't handle the heat she should get out of the Kitchen and it's looking to me like Sarah couldn't handle the heat.
I guess there is nothing like Sarah on the Democratic side! may I say thanks Geebus!
There could be. Take a young female mayor of a midsized American city with a Journalism degree and have Obama replace Biden with her in 2012 and you'd have your next Sarah Palin
Sounds like the banks of the Arkansas River! Iowa, voted one of the best states in which to retire! Now I know why!
Retire in Iowa? Good god! I've lived in Iowa. Love the place, the people are great but retire there? Davenport's a fine town......but let me describe Iowa for you.

And by this question I mean who is the Democrat that is currently not in a political office (and not an ex-President) that gets the most sh*t from the right? My initial thought was Al Gore but things with him have been pretty quiet recently. And maybe there's not an equivalent at the moment. Is there someone I'm forgetting?
John Kerry?

Howard Dean?
Retire in Iowa? Good god! I've lived in Iowa. Love the place, the people are great but retire there? Davenport's a fine town......but let me describe Iowa for you.

YouTube - Interstate 80 Iowa

video fail.....they didn't mention the Iowa 80 truckstop in Walcott....the world's biggest.....
