Who knows less about Chm. Jao's agenda?

Biden is an illegitimate president. The 1st ever, AFAIK.
The only other one that might have been may be W. Bush and Gore should have won.
That one is iffy and could go either way. Gore could have won that. This time it's clear cut they out and out stole the election and fuck you, Americans!
Tbh, I think Gore probably did win, but then W.'s bro threw the election to him. It was fairly legal the way it was done, but this 2020 election is an out and out farce supported by crooked government, Big Tech, and the propaganda media.

Biden is an illegitimate president. The 1st ever, AFAIK.
The only other one that might have been may be W. Bush and Gore should have won.
That one is iffy and could go either way. Gore could have won that. This time it's clear cut they out and out stole the election and fuck you, Americans!
Tbh, I think Gore probably did win, but then W.'s bro threw the election to him. It was fairly legal the way it was done, but this 2020 election is an out and out farce supported by crooked government, Big Tech, and the propaganda media.

says the guy who has an avatar of a fictional tv sheriff. good god, bitch. why do you believe you have a clue? do you not know how fucking stupid you are?
Wow..... his mind is gone.

i guess you are talking about trump and his speech last July 4th where he said the colonists defeated the Brits in 1776 by manning the airports, controlling the skies and ramming their ramparts....but like a little stupid fuck bitch you are trying to make a big deal about that video? just how far up trump's fat ass is your head? why are you so attracted to that pear shaped chickenshit liar? the stupid bitch confused the Revolutionary War with the War of 1812, too, talking about the National Anthem lyrics, which were written by Francis Scott Key as he watched a naval battle- Over the ramparts we watched, the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, all that stuff, THAT WAS FROM THE WAR OF 1812, NOT 1776.. and you are trying to start a bitch post about biden not being competent, you stupid fuck asshole?

It's astronomically bad. The worst I've ever seen yet. I mean, really. Think about. Actually mumbling the ACTUAL WORDS..."salute the Marines." Just speechless. :whoa:

you say much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much stupider shit than that IN EVERY FUCKING POST, STUPID SHIT. salute the marines is a saying, and who the fuck believes biden walks around with an earpiece and somebody telling him what to do or say- THAT PROVES HOW FUCKING STUPID YOU TRUMP STOOGES ARE.

'Good-looking Marines': Video misrepresents Biden at ...www.washingtonpost.com › politics › 2021/01/23 › go...
Claim: “Someone in Biden’s earpiece told him to salute the marines, and Biden just repeated the words ‘salute the marines,’ because he is so used to just repeating...
Claimed by: Twitter handle @EIElephantes
Fact check by The Washington Post: Four Pinocchios
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says the guy who has an avatar of a fictional tv sheriff. good god, bitch. why do you believe you have a clue? do you not know how fucking stupid you are?

I know my English skills are above 5th grade level and yours aren't.

PS: Federal Marshall, dumbass!

I'm going to have to stop reading your bullshit, it's simply atrocious.