Who on God's Green Earth, names their kid "Mitt"

I have not known of any.
I found it interesting that Joseph smith, founder of the moremoan church also ran for president....
He was trying to protect his right to 536 wives.
Absolutely, and this type of stuff to lesser degrees is why having religious leaders as president scares the heck out of me. Pat robertson also comes to mind. The guy who ran for pres and also said 911 was caused by sinful behaviour of gays and such.
Absolutely, and this type of stuff to lesser degrees is why having religious leaders as president scares the heck out of me. Pat robertson also comes to mind. The guy who ran for pres and also said 911 was caused by sinful behaviour of gays and such.
He only got like a couple thousand votes, and all of them were from Dade County...
He was trying to protect his right to 536 wives.

I have never understood, why a man would want mulitiple wives, I mean, aye yi yi? When I was younger, I had a bad experience, I was living with a young beauty, butt, she had a tendancy to run on at the mouth, and not in a good way, if you know what I mean? So finally I told her one night, when she was arguing with me about the horse I was going to buy, I told her, this is how it is going to be, end of discussion, and, when I became conscious again, I had learned, that women will tell you when the conversation is over? Moore than one of them in the house, could be a problem as I see it, along the lines of a Cabal?
LOL nope he got far more than that. Many in the bible belt and VA.

Your obsession with the bible belt, is the indication of some kind of mental problem, along the lines of a SuperFreak disorder, where he thinks he is an RJS type poster, when in fact, he in the bottom tier?
Your obsession with the bible belt, is the indication of some kind of mental problem, along the lines of a SuperFreak disorder, where he thinks he is an RJS type poster, when in fact, he in the bottom tier?

You are totally delusional to consider SF a liberal. Nuff said to an idiot.
who will not understand anyway.
You are totally delusional to consider SF a liberal. Nuff said to an idiot.
who will not understand anyway.

You have brass balls, unlike SuperFreak, who is missing since the cyber-skewering, even as his lib cohors gathered around him and tried to protect him? At least you have not run, butt, I can only give you so much respect, trying to take me on with these one liners are not going to get you too far, and I do not think you have the readership I have? In fact, I am starting to think you might be an even bigger pinhead than SuperFreak at least he was smart enough to run, even though it was cowardly? But a coward lives to fight another day, whereas you have just been cyber-skewered again, by yours truly? TOUCHE. Sorry.
You do not have enough sense of sarcasm to intrepret SF's post ?
So sorry for ya.

I loved the please don't skewer me today post SF.
Willard Milton Romney - born March 12, 1947 - alias "Mitt" Romney

"Willard Milton"???!!!!

I'm sure his parent sent him to some fancy-pants, silver spoon private academy. Because he would have got his ass kicked in my public school, just for having that name.
Which is why he "distances" himself from the name. Kind of like Obama and "Hussein".

Yes, but the republicans say "Barak Hussein Obama" every chance they get, on tv.

How stupid are the Democrats, yet again? That is a huge unconscious connection the mind will make. Though, maybe they are holding onto it and would use it if he wins.