Who Reads Water's Posts?


Not So Junior Member
If a thread is started by him, I skip. When he responds to any, I skip. I should just put him on ignore, but I feel that would make him happy. So I don't. But I really don't read his posts.
Do you ever tire of feigning moral outrage every time someone posts something you find disagreeable with?

You know, the mod at USMB actually messaged me to tell me not to disagree with you in a thread because he was scared you wouldn't STFU about it. You really have a history. Annie, you don't own the internet. And you really are a terrible person on the inside.
I usually read what everyone has to say, agreeable or not. If I am truly upset by something someone here says I either ignore it or more than likely counter their statements.
If a thread is started by him, I skip. When he responds to any, I skip. I should just put him on ignore, but I feel that would make him happy. So I don't. But I really don't read his posts.

I do, he's funny as hell, smart as a whip, and a political retard. Rare combo, but its a lot for having just graduated from middle school.
I do, he's funny as hell, smart as a whip, and a political retard. Rare combo, but its a lot for having just graduated from middle school.
To right. That and we need someone around here to play left wing devils advocate to all the right wing nuts floating around here.

I think what Annie is missing here is that Watermark has the British dry sense of humor (Benny Hill excluded of course)...ya know....you read the joke and you laugh 3 weeks later?

I for one appreciate Water's highbrow humor and his lampooning of the far right by creating a far left caricature.

On the other hand most people prefer slapstick when it comes to humor.

Other than that, I think we should just have him killed.
I usually read what everyone has to say, agreeable or not. If I am truly upset by something someone here says I either ignore it or more than likely counter their statements.
I ussually look for well written postings with cogent observations and precise critical thinking. I adore a spirited, even passionate exchange of ideas.

There are those who's thinking challenges me and even though I may abhor some of their values or conclusions, I respect their ability to communicate their concepts and ideas and to defend that in which they believe. There are those on the right (Dixie, PiMP, Southern Man, Bare Knuckled Pundit), Left (BAC, Midcan, Cypress) and Center/Independent (Damo, STY, Toper, You) who I enjoy reading their posts as there is ussually something to be gained by doing so.

There are others who I find almost a complete waste of my time and I ussually don't bother with them, that is, like Asshat I enjoy messing with them. The ones (and ya'll know who you are) who just rant, lob grenades, or spew forth regurgitated propaganda or just throw around insults like monkey poop in order to marginalize others, I ussually ignore them.
I ussually look for well written postings with cogent observations and precise critical thinking. I adore a spirited, even passionate exchange of ideas.

There are those who's thinking challenges me and even though I may abhor some of their values or conclusions, I respect their ability to communicate their concepts and ideas and to defend that in which they believe. There are those on the right (Dixie, PiMP, Southern Man, Bare Knuckled Pundit), Left (BAC, Midcan, Cypress) and Center/Independent (Damo, STY, Toper, You) who I enjoy reading their posts as there is ussually something to be gained by doing so.

There are others who I find almost a complete waste of my time and I ussually don't bother with them, that is, like Asshat I enjoy messing with them. The ones (and ya'll know who you are) who just rant, lob grenades, or spew forth regurgitated propaganda or just throw around insults like monkey poop in order to marginalize others, I ussually ignore them.

I appreciate this, man.

And even though you are a treasonous, and weak-bellied blue dog Democrat, I still enjoy and respect your thoughts. Ditto on the immature, the brain dead, and the birth certificate-obsessed fringe extremists.

p.s, j/k on the blue dog stuff
If a thread is started by him, I skip. When he responds to any, I skip. I should just put him on ignore, but I feel that would make him happy. So I don't. But I really don't read his posts.
No poll?

It's a rarity that I read his posts. Anytime I've ever responded I've been disappointed at his lack of basic intelligence.
I usually read what everyone has to say, agreeable or not. If I am truly upset by something someone here says I either ignore it or more than likely counter their statements.

I read most of what people say. There are exceptions but it's usually not the poster but the topic I'm ignoring. I only have one person on ignore.