Who Reads Water's Posts?

To right. That and we need someone around here to play left wing devils advocate to all the right wing nuts floating around here.

I think what Annie is missing here is that Watermark has the British dry sense of humor (Benny Hill excluded of course)...ya know....you read the joke and you laugh 3 weeks later?

I for one appreciate Water's highbrow humor and his lampooning of the far right by creating a far left caricature.

On the other hand most people prefer slapstick when it comes to humor.

Other than that, I think we should just have him killed.

I haven't seen it in years but Benny Hill used to be my guilty pleasure!
Are you kidding? Watermark's handsome as hell if you like Groundskeeper Willie types. And his wit probably gets him some pussy here and there.
He did it to you, he can do it to anyone.
Thats for damned sure. Ever hear of getting beat with the ugly stick? Well the whole damned tree fell on me and my wife tells me there are many more smarter lumps of coal them me. Aint life a bitch? LOL
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Watermark is hilarious. I alwasy try to read his posts unless they contain multiple paragraphs on things like singularities, the space-time continuum, etc., in which case I merely skim through them...

Watermark's trolling = epic success