Who Really Got Ambassador Stevens murdered?

More of the same excuses from the left. It’s OK when Democrats fuck up, lie and get Americans killed in foreign nations and try to cover it up because Republicans also do it.

Of course the Iraq war was predicated on a bunch of Republican lies, but the majority of Democrats in the Congress voted for, (right along with the Republicans), the unconstitutional resolution that allowed the Bushwhacker to start the fucking Iraq war. Let’s not forget that!

Seems like the only argument that the left ever can present is the accusation that Republicans are more corrupt than Democrats. Like the Democrats AND Republicans in high government places all politics is CYA i. e. “cover your ass” with accusations containing the sins of your fellow duopoly crooked bastards on the other side of the isle.

So Taichilibera I reckon your only argument is that Benghazi should be excused because Bush got more Americans killed in Iraq in an unconstitutional war based on lies, never mind that Congressional Democrats were in on the unconstitutional tragedy and the fact that Obama picked it up where the Bushwhacker left off, huh?
More of the same excuses from the left. It’s OK when Democrats fuck up, lie and get Americans killed in foreign nations and try to cover it up because Republicans also do it.

Of course the Iraq war was predicated on a bunch of Republican lies, but the majority of Democrats in the Congress voted for, (right along with the Republicans), the unconstitutional resolution that allowed the Bushwhacker to start the fucking Iraq war. Let’s not forget that!

Seems like the only argument that the left ever can present is the accusation that Republicans are more corrupt than Democrats. Like the Democrats AND Republicans in high government places all politics is CYA i. e. “cover your ass” with accusations containing the sins of your fellow duopoly crooked bastards on the other side of the isle.

So Taichilibera I reckon your only argument is that Benghazi should be excused because Bush got more Americans killed in Iraq in an unconstitutional war based on lies, never mind that Congressional Democrats were in on the unconstitutional tragedy and the fact that Obama picked it up where the Bushwhacker left off, huh?

No...it should be excused because this isn't the first.and won't be the last time an embassy was attacked.

The only thing I fault the administration for is running with shitty intelligence before all the facts came back. The PROTEST that was going on around the Embassy WAS about the "Innocence of Muslims" video. The attack itself wasn't, it was a well coordinated act of terrorism.

IMO, the attackers made a big to do about the video to spur the Protest and created the perfect distraction to stage the attack.

The administration, going by information gleaned from the Protesters in the street, blamed the video when they should have waited until the investigators got the rest of the Intel.
No...it should be excused because this isn't the first.and won't be the last time an embassy was attacked.

The only thing I fault the administration for is running with shitty intelligence before all the facts came back. The PROTEST that was going on around the Embassy WAS about the "Innocence of Muslims" video. The attack itself wasn't, it was a well coordinated act of terrorism.

IMO, the attackers made a big to do about the video to spur the Protest and created the perfect distraction to stage the attack.

The administration, going by information gleaned from the Protesters in the street, blamed the video when they should have waited until the investigators got the rest of the Intel.

Well SP your opinion has no merit for explaining why there wasn’t sufficient security for Americans in Libya in the first place, why available security was ordered to “stand down,” why no nearby security was ordered in for the attack, who gave that order and why, why the CIA talking points were edited 12 times, who edited them, who ordered the edit, why the second in command in Libya Gregory Hicks wasn’t even interviewed about what happened in the so-called investigation, why Hicks was verbally trashed by a State Department superior and demoted because he opposed the editing of the talking points and where does the buck stop in the State Department, or the White House. Or how about where was the President in all of this?

Are we talking about incompetence here or a political cover-up or both?
Well SP your opinion has no merit for explaining why there wasn’t sufficient security for Americans in Libya in the first place, why available security was ordered to “stand down,” why no nearby security was ordered in for the attack, who gave that order and why, why the CIA talking points were edited 12 times, who edited them, who ordered the edit, why the second in command in Libya Gregory Hicks wasn’t even interviewed about what happened in the so-called investigation, why Hicks was verbally trashed by a State Department superior and demoted because he opposed the editing of the talking points and where does the buck stop in the State Department, or the White House. Or how about where was the President in all of this?

Are we talking about incompetence here or a political cover-up or both?

Becaise "classical liberals" like yourself decided to cut funding....now fuck off.
Becaise "classical liberals" like yourself decided to cut funding....now fuck off.

But “classic Liberals” in government are a minute fraction of the total having virtually no power to “cut” anything. Even if they did, (they didn’t), how does that excuse the fact that the White House and the State Department didn’t “prioritize” available funding to place the most security in the most dangerous locations around the world? Are we discussing ’incompetence” here or what? Is Hillary Clinton really a viable Presidential candidate or even worth consideration for any government post of any kind ever again? Should America’s President be a buck-tooth, power mad incompetent bitch?

You see of course that’s why Benghazi is sooooo important. America’s future surely would be at tremendous risk with another incompetent fucking idiot in the White House.
Your "classical liberal" bullshit means only one thing to me....You get to blame whichever side is in power when shit goes wrong and take credit for shit that goes right.

It's a copout where you get to complain.about everything and own nothing.
Your "classical liberal" bullshit means only one thing to me....You get to blame whichever side is in power when shit goes wrong and take credit for shit that goes right.

It's a copout where you get to complain.about everything and own nothing.

Well Steely sometimes it’s hard just keeping up with the wrong the fucking idiots in Washington perpetuate. As far as “taking credit” for anything goes, it’s awfully hard to take any credit when everything they do is fucked up and I don’t have anything to do with what they do anyhow because I never vote for any of the fucking idiots on the right or left. There is nary a soul in Washington today that ever got my vote nor has there ever been. You see Steely I've never noticed a Republican or Democrat Washington politician in my district who was worth a vote. I’m a Classical Constitutional Liberal/Conservative. I believe in limited government and individual freedom, the very “liberal” Bill Of Rights and the very “conservative” constitutional limits of the federal government. You can call that a “copout” if you like Steely, but you can’t explain how it is.
Well Steely sometimes it’s hard just keeping up with the wrong the fucking idiots in Washington perpetuate. As far as “taking credit” for anything goes, it’s awfully hard to take any credit when everything they do is fucked up and I don’t have anything to do with what they do anyhow because I never vote for any of the fucking idiots on the right or left. There is nary a soul in Washington today that ever got my vote nor has there ever been. You see Steely I've never noticed a Republican or Democrat Washington politician in my district who was worth a vote. I’m a Classical Constitutional Liberal/Conservative. I believe in limited government and individual freedom, the very “liberal” Bill Of Rights and the very “conservative” constitutional limits of the federal government. You can call that a “copout” if you like Steely, but you can’t explain how it is.

Sorry....Anarchy is stupid. That's what you're saying government.should be abolished...let despotism rule....fuck that. This is why you "classical liberals" never get anywhere. Too radical...as radical as full blown Communists.
Do you ever get bored of talking about this? Like... how about discussing policy once in a while?

The OA fucked up... bad... and lied about it. Who cares? The job numbers are terrible, people are starving, looking for work they can't find, the environment/energy problems are only getting worse, the debt is soaring along with the price of education. We have a broken country -- focus on that, not some pathetic scandal.

Do you realise the same dumbass azzwipe is responsible for both???
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Libertarian lunkheads strike again! Let's all remember this:


And then there's this:


More of the same excuses from the left. It’s OK when Democrats fuck up, lie and get Americans killed in foreign nations and try to cover it up because Republicans also do it.

Since when are FACTS "excuses" you libertarian lunkhead? Can you disprove ONE item from the source material I linked?

Of course the Iraq war was predicated on a bunch of Republican lies, but the majority of Democrats in the Congress voted for, (right along with the Republicans), the unconstitutional resolution that allowed the Bushwhacker to start the fucking Iraq war. Let’s not forget that!

Who said I did, lunkhead? And you seem to forget that the Shrub VIOLATED the UN and Congressional mandate by NOT offering concrete proof (i.e., Blix's final report) before invading Iraq.

Seems like the only argument that the left ever can present is the accusation that Republicans are more corrupt than Democrats. A matter of fact, a matter of history....TFB if you don't like it. Like the Democrats AND Republicans in high government places all politics is CYA i. e. “cover your ass” with accusations containing the sins of your fellow duopoly crooked bastards on the other side of the isle.

Sorry toodles, but the last 30 years gives the GOP the prize for corruption and in-roads in to destroying everything that the New Deal gave this country....with Slick Willy just providing a mere stop-gap.....and they crucified him for even that!

So Taichilibera I reckon your only argument is that Benghazi should be excused because Bush got more Americans killed in Iraq in an unconstitutional war based on lies, never mind that Congressional Democrats were in on the unconstitutional tragedy and the fact that Obama picked it up where the Bushwhacker left off, huh?

Wrong, my libertarian lunkhead, I suggest you check the video of the FOX expert AGAIN, then look at the information on the other link. when you can logically/factually fault either one, let me know.
Sorry....Anarchy is stupid. That's what you're saying government.should be abolished...let despotism rule....fuck that. This is why you "classical liberals" never get anywhere. Too radical...as radical as full blown Communists.

And some day when you grow up and graduate from third grade Steely, maybe you’ll post my quote where I said “government should be abolished,” huh? Maybe when you graduate from the third grade you’ll realize I actually advocate for ”LIMITED & CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT” as opposed to the bloated corrupt and incompetent BIG government disaster we have today.
Haven't seen ou side with the left!
Funny your not partisan

Too bad you don’t bother to “notice” when I’ve advocated for the gay’s right to make agreeable adult contracts, huh? Did you ever “notice” when I called the Bushwhacker’s wars “unconstitutional” events based on fucking lies? Oh! I bet that’s because I also noticed that the majority of fucking Democrats in the Congress voted for the unconstitutional resolution that gave the Bushwhacker the unconstitutional authority to start those fucking wars, huh? Have you ever noticed when I denounced the REPUBLICAN “Richard Nixon’s” unconstitutional Drug War? Oh! I bet that’s because the vast majority of fucking partisan Democrats also support Richard Nixon’s unconstitutional Drug War, huh?

My personal opinion of both the Republican & Democrat Parties is that they both are BIG government Authoritarian Neo-Socialist Neo-Communist/Neo-Fascist, Wall Street Crony Bribery Scammers among other derogatory, unpatriotic, unseemly, corrupt collective organizations. I affiliate with NO party!!!!

Political Parties are nothing less than special interest seldom ever interested in the good of mankind but rather only interested in collective power over mankind.
Classic Liberal, don't waste your time with logic and facts on The Dude. He's an admitted troll, nothing more. Much like Kenneth, simply more interactive.