Who shops at Trader Joe's/Whole Foods?


Oderint dum metuant
If you said yes and you're a liberal living in a Blue urban shithole, you may have believed the "woke" news media's politically-motivated pandemic panic propaganda.

In deep Blue New York City and other trendy sanctuary cities, an interesting pattern is emerging in "woke" chain grocery stores like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, which have been picked over like a carcass and have long lines reminiscent of Soviet-era shops in Russia.

Meanwhile, other non-"woke" neighborhood chain stores apparently have few shortages, and seem to be operating pretty normally.

Are Trump-hating urban hipsters hoarding because the leftist-infested media told them the sky is falling?
It appears that panicked Trump-haters with more money than sense have fallen victim to the DEMOCRAT-dominated media's pandemic panic propaganda in the DEMOCRAT gulag of Manhattan

Legion must have forgotten to ban all the intelligent people from his thread as he usually does.

I wonder if it physically hurts to be as stupid as Legion.

Actually, in the case of people like himself, Banjofuck, Bullshit Blob, et al, I truly hope that it does.
Legion must have forgotten to ban all the intelligent people from his thread as he usually does. I wonder if it physically hurts to be as stupid as Legion. Actually, in the case of people like himself, Banjofuck, Bullshit Blob, et al, I truly hope that it does.

You miss Fidel, don't you? I'm not a believer, but it's possible that he's screaming in Hell. Hopefully you can be together again soon.
Legion must have forgotten to ban all the intelligent people from his thread as he usually does.

I wonder if it physically hurts to be as stupid as Legion.

Actually, in the case of people like himself, Banjofuck, Bullshit Blob, et al, I truly hope that it does.
Sorry but those photos of cleared out grocery store shelves tell me where the stupid people live. Our stores look no different now than any other time.
Now go stock up on some more toilet paper.


Mark Hogan, a 41-year-old architect in San Francisco, started buying extra snacks and other food two weeks ago. He said the pasta and canned vegetables at his local Whole Foods had run out when he went two days ago.

The line at a nearby Trader Joe’s on Friday was three-blocks long, he said.

“It seems like at least in San Francisco, the reality completely set in today,” he said on Friday.

its the strangest thing.......bread?......gone.....eggs?.....well stocked.......toilet paper......gone......napkins.....well stocked..........meat?......picked clean......were they afraid all the cows were going to die from the virus?.......

Whole Foods shoppers are reporting food shortages and empty shelves at some stores, as the company faces some "unexpected supplier issues".

Photos shared with Business Insider and on social media show barren or sparsely stocked displays of food in some Whole Foods departments, including produce, dairy, bulk foods, and packaged foods like lentils and rice.

my son rents his basement apartment to a guy who manages a Walgreens......came home with 32 rolls of tp yesterday......says manager gets first dibs......