Scut Farkus
Let no Conservatives be in doubt that AssHatZombie is an Anti-Semite.
everybody's shit stinks, jew abused evangelical.
Let no Conservatives be in doubt that AssHatZombie is an Anti-Semite.
I doubt it, after listening to Dotard for 4 hours the dude will likely shiv someone, just to get thrown in solitary.
Dotard's new cellmate will likely shiv the fat bastard, the next day.
everybody's shit stinks, jew abused evangelical.
Stacey Abrams?
Stacy Abrams?
She's a Dem.
Who should Trump pick for his 2024 election campaign running mate? And why?
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis?
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem?
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)?
Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley?
Former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo?
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)?
Someone else? (Name him or her.)
Mike Pence disqualified himself.
That would be a warden at a maximum security prison at hauling tRump, in particular in, prior to 2024 or even 2023.
Trump is more than a popular personality.
The motherfucking media has really done a number on you to make you not just blind to his greatness, but disparaging in your belief that there couldn't be anything he accomplished to make him so beloved.
He has done stuff that NO OTHER POTUS IN HISTORY HAS DONE!
These are rapid fire reasons, off the top of Charlie Kirk's head. Even you will be impressed. Your media kept you ignorant because they control you and you like it.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis?
Jared Kushner. Because he's competent.
I think trump is done....this isnt a cult of personality.
Sucking Walt off as much as you do must have affected your brain.
The motherfucking media has really done a number on you to make you not just blind to his greatness,
Trump knew and knows that WE ARE HIS BOSSES and he always gave indications that the knew this and that he respected OUR SOVEREIGNTY.
Trump is a hard no for me.
it would be the penultimate in stupidity for the Rightwing idiots to nominate trump as their candidate
I'd suggest inmate #2145793. That way he can get the Hispanic gang vote.
Now that is just nonsense. trump has never been a humble person, and any sane person knows that about him.