Who Survives?

Except I'm not. There is nothing in the original post that excludes the tigers from survival. You are just making inane "rules" on a silly joke.
God Damned Engineers!

A compasionate conservative, an effective libertarian, a tax and spend liberal and a solvent socialist are all thrown into a pit filled with man eating tigers. One person survives. Which one is it?

Jeebus Damo, I fixed it. Are you happy now? :cig:
There is nothing that excludes the tigers from survival. And apparently you can't read.
OK Damo, you deserved this. Now were just going to do Engineer jokes.

During WWII a biologist, a chemist and an engineer are captured by the Nazi's for plotting the over throw of the third reich. The Nazi judge orders all three to be shot. The guard takes the biologist out first, lifts his rifle to his shoulder, aims, pulls the trigger ... and nothing happens. The biologist takes off running and escapes.

The Guard goes back and gets the chemist but the same thing happens. He aims the rifle, pulls the trigger and nothing happens, the chemist runs and escapes.

The Guard goes back and gets the engineer and again the same thing happens. He aims the rifle pulls the trigger and nothing happens. The engineer yells, "You idiot, the bolt is jammed, put some grease on it!"
OK Damo, you deserved this. Now were just going to do Engineer jokes.

During WWII a biologist, a chemist and an engineer are captured by the Nazi's for plotting the over throw of the third reich. The Nazi judge orders all three to be shot. The guard takes the biologist out first, lifts his rifle to his shoulder, aims, pulls the trigger ... and nothing happens. The biologist takes off running and escapes.

The Guard goes back and gets the chemist but the same thing happens. He aims the rifle, pulls the trigger and nothing happens, the chemist runs and escapes.

The Guard goes back and gets the engineer and again the same thing happens. He aims the rifle pulls the trigger and nothing happens. The engineer yells, "You idiot, the bolt is jammed, put some grease on it!"

LOL! Good one! :p
Two engineers go to Alaska to go moose hunting. They manage to shoot a trophy moose but it's carcass is about a mile from their truck. They start dragging the moose with little progress when a wildlife biologist happens by. He walks up to the engineers and says to them "ya know moose have a special oil on their fur. If you pull them in the direction of their fur you job will be a lot easier.

So the two engineers start dragging the moose in the direction of his fur and to their amazement he slides along the ground easily. One of the engineers exclaims, wow he was right, this is much easier!" the other engineer then say's "yea but were getting a lot farther from the truck."
Hahaha, that one really did make me lol! Sounds like an Aggie joke! :) Except that I don't think we credit Aggies with enough intelligence to shoot straight.