Who voted against FEMA hurricane relief ?

The way you want to tax has two problems. First if you took every single penny of the top 10% of this country it wouldn't put a small dent in the debt caused from overspending. The wealth just isn't there in proportion to the debt. You people seem to have issues understanding junior high math. Secondly if you did that millions would lose everything because these same people create a huge percentage of jobs. They are movers and shakers and take chances and work their ass' off to do it. You could take their money and they would just get it back in short order and the poor would still be poor. Only this time they would not create jobs and would move their wealth off shore. You Bernie bros sound all righteous but have either never taken the time or maybe don't have the mental agility to think through what would really happen. The rich aren't the problem. The government's fiscal irresponsibility is. Drunk on spending on both sides of the aisle. Rich citizens and a responsible government are not mutually exclusive. But of course you can't even begin to fathom the concepts I just explained so you will just say Bullshit and go pull the chain for your parasitic dems in November. Pretty fucking sad how stupid you are.
If you took every penny of all the billionaires, then the corporations, then... Let's eat the rich!

You get this:

That was over a decade ago, and it hasn't gotten better.
Congress approved $20 billion for FEMA's disaster relief fund as part of a stopgap spending bill to fund the government through December 20. But the measure left out billions of dollars in requested supplemental disaster funding. The Senate approved the measure by a 78-18 vote on September 25 after it passed the House in a 341-82 vote. Republicans supplied all of the no votes in both chambers.

Typical of the assholes. Once again, another reason to vote democrat right down the ballot!
Why? Because Democrats refuse to pass the budget bill?
MAGAts aren't very bright but they are very emotional....and violent. They'll do whatever their angry, demented Orange Jesus tells them to do.

You are describing DEMOCRATS again. MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
Trump is not God either.

They voted against the entire bloated piece of shit, not specifically against disaster relief. If it were up to democrats DEI would get a dollar for every dime spent on things people need. FUCK democrats and FUCK you if you're stupid enough to be one. Sterilize yourselves please and dead end this defective gene pool.
Are we calling undocumented refugees "illegals" now?
Sounds pretty disrespectful to me.
I wonder if the Mayflower passengers came by invitation from our indigenous Americans?
Is there really a difference?
I don't think so.

If you're not cutting it where you are,
you try someplace else.
It's called "survival."
Not recognizing that is called "xenophobia."
It's incompatible with holding the moral high ground.
There were no established borders when the Mayflower passengers came.

If you feel so strongly about the indigenous Americans, perhaps you could sign your deed over to an indigenous American.

Will Monday be too soon?