Who wants to bet that crysis is going to suck ass?


They've probably spent 3 years coding the graphics engine, and just through in a story somewhere. I've seen tons of games go down this kind of path before.

It is also going to require, at least a 1200 dollar machine to play.
You're going to need a dual-core processor. The kind doesn't really matter, as modern games aren't CPU dependent anyway.

The graphics card is going to have to be an 8800 GS or more. The cheapest 8800 is 280 dollars.

You're going to need 2 GB of RAM... you'd need it with vista anyway.

Still, I bet it's going to suck.
Well you have to pay to play.
My new HP laptop has 2 gig, duo core 17" widescreen, and some kind of kick ass graphics card I forget the variety though. $550 after repates.
Well you have to pay to play.
My new HP laptop has 2 gig, duo core 17" widescreen, and some kind of kick ass graphics card I forget the variety though. $550 after repates.

And you'll be replacing it in 1-2 years, or living with a piece of shit. I've done that long enough. Spend double that and get something that wil last.
And you'll be replacing it in 1-2 years, or living with a piece of shit. I've done that long enough. Spend double that and get something that wil last.

I have had not problems with HP equip Have been using them for about 15 years. Had a hard drive fail in one back in the 90's. Only issue I ever had.
was a darned Seagate drive. Go Western Digital! :cheer:

btw the regular retail on the laptop was around $1,300...
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Maybe so butt it seems to be the top of the Chinese made crap heap in hard drives. In our Chinese made PC's ;)
I have never had a WD drive go bad on me, have lost a few Seagates.
I stopped buying them, I had to replace about 20% of them in the computers I installed over a 2 year period on "warranty" work.

I totally disagree with your assessment of "top of the line".

Of course, I wouldn't buy Seagate either.... Maxtor has always given me the best results... Yeah, I know. Maxtor.
Maxtor ???

Maybe so, I have not had but a couple of those and they were ok, none crashed.
I think I had a huge supply of bad WD drives though. Most of those I replaced came from one install, it just put me off the danged things. I don't care if it is made in China, I just care whether or not it works.
And you'll be replacing it in 1-2 years, or living with a piece of shit. I've done that long enough. Spend double that and get something that wil last.

Computer prices are going way down. It's beating inflation by a large margin. It used to be that you could buy a $2000 computer and it'd be useless after a year. Now, that's a $500 computer. I'm starting to think that the conventional wisdom that you're always going to have to spend a lot of money if you want a good computer is breaking down.

Hard drives especially have really dropped in price. Now, I know what you're thinking. You got the 20 MB hard drive in 1990, thought it would never be filled up, and in a month you had to constantly worry about space on it. Just the 120 gig hard drive I have now, sometimes I have to go and clean it out, but it generally holds anything I want it to. And you can buy 300 gig hard drives for $100. And for $200 you can by a TB that you're ACTUALLY never going to fill up.

I have one really cheap laptop. This is my porn/web browsing machine. My desktop is what I game on. Laptop was $500, desktop (after the upgrades) $1000.
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Crysis vs. real life:


Crysis is a more accurate depiction, to me. God, I remember we used to think "Gosh, one day, we're going to have toy story like graphics". Now it's like, fuck, toy story was ugly.