I'll do it. Just have her call me.
Ill vote for that!
I'll do it. Just have her call me.
I dont know if he needs her, but... think of the chance if they were a ticket, what a historical ticket they would be!
It would be a historic and unbeatable "coupling" .. no doubt .. but the bloodletting is deeper than many think.
I'm not sure at all that Obama would want to be the 3rd fiddle.
I was hoping it would be Senator Clinton who would be second fiddle!
That works for me .. with Bill playing 3rd.
But Hillary will never agree to be VP for Obama in my opinion.
LOL. Could you imagine the press release? Unkown from CO gets Call!Ill vote for that!
If not Obama, Clark.
I think the most likely senerio is Hillary begging Obama if she gets the nod or Obama begging her is he gets it.
So on the Gore analogy, since Gates made billions dropping out of college by your reasoning everyone should. LOFL
I'll do it. Just have her call me.
LOL. Never written, nobody extended a contract. However there was a market as seen in the Kushiel books.I did not think you were that insane Damo.
I guess it might cause sales to rise for your alternate lifestyles book.
I believe that if Hillary gets the nomination she will ask Richardson to be her VP. The south is a wash for the democratic party and the sooner they get over that the better they will do. Richardson insures she carries New Mexico and maybe one other mountain west state. But New Mexico and Ohio together make Florida a non issue and its electoral college votes don't mean shit.