Who would do better during the general against McCain

I am most interested to see how the evangelical vote breaks in florida today. If they move to Willard with any sort of purpose, McCain loses Florida and I really believe that whoever wins florida wins the nomination. They will have a momentum going into super tuesday that will be hard to slow.
Guiliani s going down big time on Super Tuesday regardless of Florida (New York South). A twice divorced catholic who supports gay marriage and 'choice' will not play well in the bible belt.
Guiliani s going down big time on Super Tuesday regardless of Florida (New York South). A twice divorced catholic who supports gay marriage and 'choice' will not play well in the bible belt.
Demographically speaking, Florida is a suburb of northeast and midwest large cities. It ain't the "Bible Belt".
I will agree that for the most part the only primary worth paying attention to is the democratic primary. But you guys are wrong to think that Hillary will win over McCain. McCain will secure the votes of the independents because for some reason idiots still think he's a "maverick" and There is no doubt that Hillary, who put for a national health care plan back in the 90s, will motivate a substantial part of the republican base to vote against her, but not necessarily for McCain.

You guys are under estimating the deep seeded hate that a lot of voters have for Hillary.
The only match up I fear is a McCain and Clinton. Everyone loses then.
I will agree that for the most part the only primary worth paying attention to is the democratic primary. But you guys are wrong to think that Hillary will win over McCain. McCain will secure the votes of the independents because for some reason idiots still think he's a "maverick" and There is no doubt that Hillary, who put for a national health care plan back in the 90s, will motivate a substantial part of the republican base to vote against her, but not necessarily for McCain.

You guys are under estimating the deep seeded hate that a lot of voters have for Hillary.
The only match up I fear is a McCain and Clinton. Everyone loses then.

Mega-ditto's, LadyT.

Indies break huge for McCain in a matchup with Hillary. Also, the nature of the primary will hurt Hillary with even some of the Dems core constituencies.

I can definitely see McCain winning in that matchup.
I will agree that for the most part the only primary worth paying attention to is the democratic primary. But you guys are wrong to think that Hillary will win over McCain. McCain will secure the votes of the independents because for some reason idiots still think he's a "maverick" and There is no doubt that Hillary, who put for a national health care plan back in the 90s, will motivate a substantial part of the republican base to vote against her, but not necessarily for McCain.

You guys are under estimating the deep seeded hate that a lot of voters have for Hillary.
The only match up I fear is a McCain and Clinton. Everyone loses then.

I have always agreed with this, but lately I’ve been wondering if we aren’t all building up McCain a little too much. He’s older than dirt, he’s physically deformed, and he’s quite off his rocker. Opps! Sorry, I forgot physicality only matters in female candidates. Anyway, my other two points stand.
I think Obama would do better with independents though.
republicans will rally behind mccain and he will pick up indi's that would vote for third party if was romney..

tho bloomberg could spell defeat for mccain .
I have always agreed with this, but lately I’ve been wondering if we aren’t all building up McCain a little too much. He’s older than dirt, he’s physically deformed, and he’s quite off his rocker. Opps! Sorry, I forgot physicality only matters in female candidates. Anyway, my other two points stand.
I think Obama would do better with independents though.

McCain also knows next to nothing about economic matters and cited to Phil “Most people don’t have the luxury of living to be 80 years old so it’s hard for me to feel sorry for them” Gramm has his expert adviser on the economy. As long as the economy is an issue, McCain will founder.
McCain also knows next to nothing about economic matters and cited to Phil “Most people don’t have the luxury of living to be 80 years old so it’s hard for me to feel sorry for them” Gramm has his expert adviser on the economy. As long as the economy is an issue, McCain will founder.

not if he says he will extent tax cuts and Hillary doesn't. dont forget average voters.
Mega-ditto's, LadyT.

Indies break huge for McCain in a matchup with Hillary. Also, the nature of the primary will hurt Hillary with even some of the Dems core constituencies.

I can definitely see McCain winning in that matchup.

Well I think that “the nature of this primary” is one big reason why Ted Kennedy came out and endorsed Obama. I don’t see him standing around while the Democratic party is split in two, even for Bill Clinton.

I think Bill jumped the shark with his Jesse Jackson comment. That’s going to be a defining moment in this campaign. I don’t know anybody who was ok with that.
I have always agreed with this, but lately I’ve been wondering if we aren’t all building up McCain a little too much. He’s older than dirt, he’s physically deformed, and he’s quite off his rocker. Opps! Sorry, I forgot physicality only matters in female candidates. Anyway, my other two points stand.
I think Obama would do better with independents though.

No we're not building him up. We're just saying that such a poor contender, he'd have to be matched up against someone like Hilary to have a shot at winning. Your classic choice between a turd sandwich and a douche soda
No we're not building him up. We're just saying that such a poor contender, he'd have to be matched up against someone like Hilary to have a shot at winning. Your classic choice between a turd sandwich and a douche soda

Ok, and...Eww!
Well I think that “the nature of this primary” is one big reason why Ted Kennedy came out and endorsed Obama. I don’t see him standing around while the Democratic party is split in two, even for Bill Clinton.

I think Bill jumped the shark with his Jesse Jackson comment. That’s going to be a defining moment in this campaign. I don’t know anybody who was ok with that.

You got that right. I watched Kennedy's speech; it was very pointed toward some of the things the Clinton campaign has said.

I think he might have been content to remain neutral in this race, but some of the things that Bill said last week pushed him over the edge, and he felt like it was time to say "enough."
Obama or Clinton?

many polls i have seen have Clinton losing to McCain and Obama beating McCain.

perhaps this is why the recent break towards obama by the likes of Kennedy?

Polls at this point are useless.
Actually you couldn't be more wrong.

If Hillary gets the nod, she will barely motivate her democratic base to go and support her. She's been a complete sell out on Iraq and she WILL motivate the republican base to vote in droves. If Obama's nominated, he will win against all of the current republican front runners.

Once McCain actually gets out htere, LadyT, well, he's just an old fart, who says things he "doesn't mean" sometimes, and doesn't have a lot of charisma.

Romney, on the other hand, is a movie star, rivaled in prettyness only by Edwards.

Who do you think has the better chance?
I disagree. When a republican can not differentiate himself from the democrat, he loses. McCain is too liberal and undifferentiated from BO or HRC. He would lose to either.

The republican who can win is the one who can differentiate himself. I don't see that in any of the Rs. Dems win this one regardless of R nominee. The real determination of who will be president is in the Dem primaries.

That's not true. A more moderate contender wins the votes of everyone the radical would have, and more.
you couldn't be more wrong

I belive she is correct, McCain is the R's only chance to win. They cant win with a Romney who would get chewed up using Republicans own flip flop argument.

Huckleberry would finally warrant a close look by the media and the people would see what a racist and a crusader he is and drop him quick. All but the wacko 30% who still support Dumbya.

Gulianni cant win outside of New York or its 6th Burrow, South Florida.

Who else is there?
Demographically speaking, Florida is a suburb of northeast and midwest large cities. It ain't the "Bible Belt".

You can't pretend to me that a state that went for Bush not once, but twice, is just a subset of the north. It may be a little more sane than the rest of the south, but it's as conservative as most sane states come.
I have always agreed with this, but lately I’ve been wondering if we aren’t all building up McCain a little too much. He’s older than dirt, he’s physically deformed, and he’s quite off his rocker. Opps! Sorry, I forgot physicality only matters in female candidates. Anyway, my other two points stand.
I think Obama would do better with independents though.

My hard core republican sister says that McCain is too old and she will vote for Senator Clinton or Obama over him. She voted for Bush twice.