Whoah I remembered my password!


JPP Modarater
How are you guys!? It's been ages! Whose still around from the original board?!
Dear T,

Desh, Froggy, Jarod, Christie, Zappa are still here representing righteousness.

There are a few old timers from Satan's minions, aka GOP, here.

As for me, I am alive and kicking!
How are you guys!? It's been ages! Whose still around from the original board?!

3d is here somewhere. He changes his name quite a bit.
Grind, Leader of Red Team, is hiding in a Spider Hole somewhere. (waiting for Trump's return)

Many of the Religious Quacks and Right-wing Fascists have fled.
3d is here somewhere. He changes his name quite a bit.
Grind, Leader of Red Team, is hiding in a Spider Hole somewhere. (waiting for Trump's return)

Many of the Religious Quacks and Right-wing Fascists have fled.

Grind is in Maui recovering from gender reassignment surgery. She asks to be called Grindette, and addressed as she/her.
Hello and welcome back, LadyT,

How are you guys!? It's been ages! Whose still around from the original board?!
Cool. Another reasonable poster?

Welcome back.

I came from another board, bringing civility.

It seemed to be needed here.