who's endorsing John James in his bid against Debby?....

His father built the business into a 25 million dollar company. The son took over and built it into a 130 million dollar company. But I'm sure he's way to uppity for you. Amirite? Fucking racist piece of shit.

desh doesn't like blacks who don't know they're supposed to vote demmycrat......they apparently aren't smart enough to know what's good for them........
James is a typical right winger who wants to stop health care for the poor. He and Pensler came out against pre existing conditions in health care. They will keep chipping away at it. And I do not believe driving a helicopter makes you a more knowledgeable politician.

Hey, retard, you don't "drive" a helicopter, you pilot it. But I get it, leftist loons just can't stand these uppity uncle Tom types.
Hey, retard, you don't "drive" a helicopter, you pilot it. But I get it, leftist loons just can't stand these uppity uncle Tom types.

Hey dumb shit, no difference. You drive one. Is he an uppity type? I only saw him interviewed once and he was not impressive.