If the banks had failed, the USD--and civilization as we know it--would have crumbled.
I know who's going to benefit at the expense of taxpayers: Student loan writers.
Corona 19
Wung Flu.
How do you know, Spametta?
dont worry biters been in office 3 weeks and spent trillions
Before the China virus, the economy was going strong.
there was a good tax income to offset spending.
In February of 2020, before Covid-19 had hit hard, we had passed into recession. And before that in September, the entire economy nearly collapsed from a breakdown in the Repo Market. The Federal Reserve had to print money to bail out almost every major corporation in America... For the first time in American history.
The Obama economic expanse was giving out in late 2019/early 2020. Maybe Covid-19 made it worse, but it was going to be bad even without Covid-19.
trump more than doubled the deficit, even before Covid-19. If Covid-19 had not happened, the recession of 2020 would have driven that recession up higher.
It is always a bad sign when a president needs a lot of stimulus that drives up the deficit when times are good.
It is literally impossible to spend trillions of dollars in three weeks. Biden could not do that, even if he wanted to. He would need Congress' approval, and even then it would not be possible to spend that much in three weeks. The entire economy, both public and private sectors, spends about a trillion dollars in three weeks. Notice, that is not plural, but singular. If Biden had doubled that somehow, we would be seeing hyperinflation... Which is obviously not happening.
Bob's over the top claims makes the rest of his claims look less believable.
no its not
First, if Biden was unconstitutionally spending trillions of dollars, someone would notice. You would be able to prove your claims. I could believe The President is able to hide millions in spending, but not trillions.
Second, the entire US economy spends a trillion dollars in three weeks. If Biden was spending trillions(plural) more, that would more than double the spending, and cause hyperinflation. We would be looking at all prices doubling, which would be very noticeable.
Once again, Bob's over the top claims make the rest of his claims look less believable.