Who's More Jewish? An atheist or someone who believes in Judaism?

Depends on how you define 'Judaism'. Is it the pre-Ezra Hebrewism of Moses or the post-Ezra Temple cult the Babylonians set up for themselves with Cyrus's financing and support? I would go with the Kairites, Madaeans, and Samaritans as the 'real Jews', and the post-Babylonian cultists as imposters and fakes, just another ethnic group. Just about any Jewish group that rejects the fake 'Oral Torah' in favor of the written Torah of Moses is a real Jewish sect, including many Christian sects.

THIS is why religion is so much fun. There's SO MANY variants even of one given "belief" system.

It's always fun to see how humans invent religions and then proceed to systematize them and develop all the specific rules God wants etc.

This is why there are almost as many gods as individual believers.
THIS is why religion is so much fun. There's SO MANY variants even of one given "belief" system.

It's always fun to see how humans invent religions and then proceed to systematize them and develop all the specific rules God wants etc.

This is why there are almost as many gods as individual believers.

I just go by the books themselves. I don't think they're 'different religions', just different sects. The variety is actually a good thing overall, at least for the Jewish /Christian sects.
I just go by the books themselves. I don't think they're 'different religions', just different sects. The variety is actually a good thing overall, at least for the Jewish /Christian sects.

Different sects are just administration at a more granular level.

The variety of religions and even variety of sects within a religion offers the believer the chance to "fine tune" what it is they want from God. It allows the believer to zero in on a God that is amenable to them and maximizes the benefits of belief (such as comfort in troubling times, etc.).

I agree that the diversity is generally a good thing. It does, however, seem to reveal the all-too-human hand in the creation of the religions.
Not for real Jews; Ezra changed it to exclude all but Babylonian Jews from govt. in the state Cyrus set them up in. Before that it was the normal tracing through the father's line. Some of the real Jewish sects are the Samaritans, Kairites, and Madeans who still follow the real Torah of Moses; the rest are all Pharisaic or Messiah cults of one stripe or another, with little relation with original Judaism.

Different sects are just administration at a more granular level.

The variety of religions and even variety of sects within a religion offers the believer the chance to "fine tune" what it is they want from God. It allows the believer to zero in on a God that is amenable to them and maximizes the benefits of belief (such as comfort in troubling times, etc.).

I agree that the diversity is generally a good thing. It does, however, seem to reveal the all-too-human hand in the creation of the religions.

quite different than the rational religion of totalitarianism by physicists.

An article on Benjamin Disraeli.

Benjamin Disraeli was a well-known politician and author in England during
Victorian Age whose endeavours and contributions to shape politics and society cannot be
overlooked. By virtue of his ethnic and religious origins, he was always approached with
suspicion. Due to his colour and Semitic appearance, all his attempts to constitute a new
social system in his country were not thoroughly adopted by society. Although he did his
level best for England and English people, he failed to convince people about his sincerity.
Because his discourses about the English and the Jew seemed people so conflicting that
they could not go beyond this dilemma. His religious tendencies remained in the minds of
people as a vague image which disturbed them too much. In order to analyze the politic
and literary understanding of Benjamin Disraeli better, focusing on his ethnic and
religious identity seems to be crucial. In this study, his ethnic and religious tendencies
have been tried to be revealed.

Useful for a glimpse at 19th Century issues.
quite different than the rational religion of totalitarianism by physicists.

F. A. Hayek has an interesting take on the failures of 'rational constructivism', aptly named The Fatal Conceit and why Christianity has been a much more successful social revolution and tradition.
F. A. Hayek has an interesting take on the failures of 'rational constructivism', aptly named The Fatal Conceit and why Christianity has been a much more successful social revolution and tradition.
no need.

we figured it out without that dude.

morality is rational.

but if you're trying to use religion as a base of power, then you downplay the rationality and make it an ingroup outgroup issue, and when you want to just arbitrarily put physicists in control because "science" then you're just making a new cult.
F. A. Hayek has an interesting take on the failures of 'rational constructivism', aptly named The Fatal Conceit and why Christianity has been a much more successful social revolution and tradition.
A sociopsychopathogical homicidal human farming by Christiananality pedophilia as rational based on the tradition of human reproduction medical pseudoscience pyramid scheme
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No dpubt you're basically illiterate and found a thesaurus at a garage sale.

Oh it's not even that clever. It's a chunk of software like the autocomplete on your phone. Just string words together that are loosely related by the last word chosen.

That's why sentences start but often don't have any sort of resolution.

The even WORST part of it is: there are MUCH better text synthesizers out there. MUCH better. So you aren't even being CLEVERLY entertained, just presented with amateur autocomplete posts. Boring.
No dpubt you're basically illiterate and found a thesaurus at a garage sale.
No doubt that not so master race not so master plan of Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial Fourth Reich July “one nation under God with equal justice under law” national religion of Christiananality pedophilia homicidal human farming precedent human reproduction medical pseudoscience “serve the Pope or die” survival of the fittest fascists more perfect union to Islam “death to the infidels” Mohammed flaming flying chariot pseudoscience pedophilia Valhalla are higher than the laws of nature and nature’s God in acceptance of schizophrenic cognitive dissonance avoidance……
No dpubt you're basically illiterate and found a thesaurus at a garage sale.
Guess the thesaurus is useless in Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial July Fourth Reich interpretation of “one nation under God with equal justice under law” human reproduction medical pseudoscience more perfect union with Islam flaming flying chariot pseudoscience national religion of suicidal sociopsychopathogical homicidal human farming super egos…..
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It's not a thesaurus. It's like autocomplete on the phone. It doesn't even require the intelligence one would need to use a thesaurus.
Haven’t the time to calculate the extent of cognitive dissonance in human reproduction medical pseudoscience
as intelligence in addition to flaming flying chariot pseudoscience.
Haven’t the time to calculate the extent of cognitive dissonance in human reproduction medical pseudoscience
as intelligence in addition to flaming flying chariot pseudoscience.

Please feel free to PM about why this style of posting is "fun" for you? I mean I can understand doing it a couple times as a bit of weirdness but honestly you've been at this a VERY long time.

I would dearly love to know why and even HOW this could entertain you for SO LONG.
Please feel free to PM about why this style of posting is "fun" for you? I mean I can understand doing it a couple times as a bit of weirdness but honestly you've been at this a VERY long time.

I would dearly love to know why and even HOW this could entertain you for SO LONG.
More entertained from Christiananality pedophilia way too dang lily brilliant white ChristHitlers flaming flying chariot suicidal super egos pedophilia martyrdom responses
Please feel free to PM about why this style of posting is "fun" for you? I mean I can understand doing it a couple times as a bit of weirdness but honestly you've been at this a VERY long time.

I would dearly love to know why and even HOW this could entertain you for SO LONG.
The more prevalent question in weirdness from more than 60 years of why an obsession of “serve the Pope or die” Christiananality pedophilia compulsion in human reproduction medical pseudoscience sociopsychopathogical homicidal human farming of SCOTUS Christian Nation super egos after Eisenhower’s “Never Again” is so entertaining to the cognitive dissonance avoidance in acceptance…..