WHo's next?

Two blowhards blowing hard in each other's direction, and either one getting the job done. I have coresponded with several posters of your ilk but sooner or laler they bite the dust just like Battleborne did. All be have to do is respond in natural ways, and wait. andi n the meantime have some good laughs.

donsiton, you know I'm more quality than that. I rule by divine right. Others are mere frauds.
You seem to think, that you are some sort of RJS styled super-poster, when, I get the distinct feeling from you, that you are a lower-tiered poster, butt, maybe not rock bottom like lost Donny and the lefty Superfreak? Maybe moore like a mid-lister giving himself airs?
I am beginning to feel sorry for you. You can't post a comment without including me, superfreak, and Ass hat. I don't really understand your interest in either of them ,or me, . but I have to beleive that somehow you have gotton a crush on each of us. how else could you explain your extreme fixation ????
I am beginning to feel sorry for you. You can't post a comment without including me, superfreak, and Ass hat. I don't really understand your interest in either of them ,or me, . but I have to beleive that somehow you have gotton a crush on each of us. how else could you explain your extreme fixation ????

Diaper Don, you have been crapping all over the board again, missing the newspaper I put out for you, I might have to hit you in the schnoz again? I do not think you should be worried about what anyone else is posting about, as long as they are not posting about why teenaged girls should be thrilled to look at your exposed weenie, in the school yards, they are three steps ahead of you on the posting totem poll, and now even your retarded cousin AssFace has moved above you, for now, forgot about the lefty fool Superfreak, he is so far above you, you cannot even see that fool's feet anymore, that is how low you are now?
Diaper Don, you have been crapping all over the board again, missing the newspaper I put out for you, I might have to hit you in the schnoz again? I do not think you should be worried about what anyone else is posting about, as long as they are not posting about why teenaged girls should be thrilled to look at your exposed weenie, in the school yards, they are three steps ahead of you on the posting totem poll, and now even your retarded cousin AssFace has moved above you, for now, forgot about the lefty fool Superfreak, he is so far above you, you cannot even see that fool's feet anymore, that is how low you are now?
Just more of you abject stupodity.
Just be thankful you do not live in my town, donny, I would have you strung up by your stringy fucking neck, touche?
No, if I am right about you, you would be hiding in your kennel hoping I wouldn't attack you.
No, if I am right about you, you would be hiding in your kennel hoping I wouldn't attack you.

Chester the molester, formely known as The Diaper Don, Donny, you can not even attack your tube of preparation H, without hurting your hand, do not make RJS laugh? You seem constipated again, eat some moore prunes?
Chester the molester, formely known as The Diaper Don, Donny, you can not even attack your tube of preparation H, without hurting your hand, do not make RJS laugh? You seem constipated again, eat some moore prunes?
b Changing your insults, doesn't change who you are. you are stiill a Lying Jackass.
Anyway, watermark totally lost his identity didn't he? Weird. I admit, that wasn't all my doing. Bright kid though, really. If he's only eighteen then he is quite advanced. I just hope we can get him off the internationalist fascist bandwagon.

Losing my identity is only one *tactic* I have in ensuring global domination by the Zionist elite MWHAHAHAHAAHHAAH!
Chester the molester, formely known as The Diaper Don, Donny, you can not even attack your tube of preparation H, without hurting your hand, do not make RJS laugh? You seem constipated again, eat some moore prunes?

RJS, I'd like to know why you enjoy molesting children?

I really want to know, this subject is most distrubing to me and my 14 year old daughter.
Even more importantly, why do you enjoy wearing your mothers panties so much? In fact, why are you a neo-nazi? Why do you cry to yourself in your sleep every night?

You know, RJS, healing takes time, and admitting you're an alcoholic is just the first step to solving the problem.
Even more importantly, why do you enjoy wearing your mothers panties so much? In fact, why are you a neo-nazi? Why do you cry to yourself in your sleep every night?

You know, RJS, healing takes time, and admitting you're an alcoholic is just the first step to solving the problem.
The problem is that his malady can't be cured. You can't cure a Jackass of being a Jckass.