Who's Ready for Some Teslaquila?

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
You may be of the opinion that tequila by any other name would taste as sweet, but according Mexico's*Consejo Regulador del Tequila*(Tequila Regulatory Council), Musk's gimmicky booze is 1) dumb, and 2) illegal.*

“If [Tesla] wants to make Teslaquila viable as a tequila it would have to associate itself with an authorized tequila producer, comply with certain standards and request authorization from Mexico’s Industrial Property Institute,” the council explained in a statement. “Otherwise it would be making unauthorized use of the denomination of origin for tequila.”


No way have you been holding out. Quite apparent you been using the strong shit since birth.

It has been accepted as medicinal for thousands of years across a myriad of culture before the US began it's racialized attacks on the stuff what, 70-80 years ago?

Yeah, I have no faith in your legal system at all.
It has been accepted as medicinal for thousands of years across a myriad of culture before the US began it's racialized attacks on the stuff what, 70-80 years ago?

Yeah, I have no faith in your legal system at all.

You certainly sound like a stoner.
You certainly sound like a stoner.

A real stoner knows to never buy from the cab driver at the airport on the islands. Wait until you can find a bartender or a musician at a dive to get the guuuuud shit. Or at least that is what the Saturday Evening Post says.
It has been accepted as medicinal for thousands of years across a myriad of culture before the US began it's racialized attacks on the stuff what, 70-80 years ago?

Yeah, I have no faith in your legal system at all.

Funny, I have no faith in yours. Gulags were never my thing.
A real stoner knows to never buy from the cab driver at the airport on the islands. Wait until you can find a bartender or a musician at a dive to get the guuuuud shit. Or at least that is what the Saturday Evening Post says.
Hell...everyone's kid brother is growing something these days. Either that, or they're peddling 'medicinal' marijuana that's pretty high grade.
Funny, I have no faith in yours. Gulags were never my thing.

Sure they are. We did it to citizens before (WWII) and we're doing it now. Why we have the military deployed onto american soil setting up holding pens/areas even as we type. 5% of the world's population, 25% of the world's incarcerated population.

Quite exceptional.
Sure they are. We did it to citizens before (WWII) and we're doing it now. Why we have the military deployed onto american soil setting up holding pens/areas even as we type. 5% of the world's population, 25% of the world's incarcerated population.

Quite exceptional.

China is more exceptional. Anyway, you are deliberately sidestepping the matter of political and religious prisoners, because your ideology sees no problem with it. God forbid that people be incarcerated for actual crimes, however, because Marxists view it as ammunition against liberalism. No one ever gets arrested for sneaking into a shithole Marxist state, except for a few eccentric journalists and SJWs by North Korea.
He's been banned from quite a few boards, including USMB and Debate Politics, so we are apparently the last resort for the dregs of the internet.

Oh look at this low hanging fruit right here.

Snake: Go ahead, try it!
Eve: No, CloudDaddy said no.
Snake: Course he did, he keeps all the good shit for himself.
Eve: Hmm good point. I see HE has pants and WE don't.
China is more exceptional. Anyway, you are deliberately sidestepping the matter of political and religious prisoners, because your ideology sees no problem with it. God forbid that people be incarcerated for actual crimes, however, because Marxists view it as ammunition against liberalism. No one ever gets arrested for sneaking into a shithole Marxist state, except for a few eccentric journalists and SJWs by North Korea.

If you think your legal system and penal system is about dealing with actual crime, you're the one side stepping. Unless of course americans are just that much more criminal, again, not so exceptional. And you're also attempting to escape via ideology assignment, a silly little tactic by those who know they're on shaky ground.

Religious fanatics and the Salem Witch trials. The you went off on some tangent about Marxism. Sounds like you should read Marx to me. No connection.
Oh look at this low hanging fruit right here.

Snake: Go ahead, try it!
Eve: No, CloudDaddy said no.
Snake: Course he did, he keeps all the good shit for himself.
Eve: Hmm good point. I see HE has pants and WE don't.

Oh how the fwee insist all must run with the pack.
If you think your legal system and penal system is about dealing with actual crime, you're the one side stepping. Unless of course americans are just that much more criminal, again, not so exceptional. And you're also attempting to escape via ideology assignment, a silly little tactic by those who know they're on shaky ground.

Religious fanatics and the Salem Witch trials. The you went off on some tangent about Marxism. Sounds like you should read Marx to me. No connection.

Sounds like you should re-read Marx and look at the record of Marxist states. So, how are people getting into the US prison system if they aren't guilty of crimes?