Who's Ready for Some Teslaquila?

I have to side with Sailor. Certainly weed is not nearly as harmful as any of the othe schedule 1 narcotics or alcohol. However it’s certa not innocuous when abused. I know from my own experience when I was a daily user in my youth that it was preventing me from achieving other priorities in life that were important to me. This is an indication of abuse which is true of any addiction, habit or behavior that interferes with your daily life and important priorities.

In your youth? lol, you're not fooling anyone.
Well, you can side with whomever you want, Mr. Smartie Britches. I guess myself and my addict friends are just super humans. I prefer marijuana over prescriptions, as do my friends.

Have a Happy Turkey day, I’m going to take a toke and be unproductive by making side dishes for Thanksgiving. Hugs
Don't forget my cookies!!
In your youth? lol, you're not fooling anyone.
LOL No those days pretty much ended when Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers. Drug testing became common, particularly in safety related industries, which I've been employed in for nearly 30 years. Wouldn't have stayed employed if I was a daily user.
LOL No those days pretty much ended when Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers. Drug testing became common, particularly in safety related industries, which I've been employed in for nearly 30 years. Wouldn't have stayed employed if I was a daily user.

OK, I hear ya. They did get a little bit strict didn't they? I always told my friends goldenseal and water weren't going to help you when they do the hair test.
OK, I hear ya. They did get a little bit strict didn't they? I always told my friends goldenseal and water weren't going to help you when they do the hair test.
Nope....if you have used above MDL for a hair analysis you're screwed. Their are ways to beat ELISA screening tests for bodily fluids but if you hit in the ELISA Screening you've advanced to the GC/MS and your screwed and with hair analysis you go straight to the GC/MS.