Who's the Biggest Idiot?


A) Mike Nolan, for forgetting that, unless you can win 2-0 every week, an offense is still necessary, or

B) Jim Hostler, for not only not being Norv Turner but not understanding the fact that, in football, "offense" means trying to score points, or

C) John York, for thinking he knows anything at all about football, or

D) Me, for still caring about this stupidshit team?

Sadly, it's probably (D).
Mike Nolan is the head coach of the San Francisco 49ers alleged football team.

Jim Hostler is the alleged offensive coordinator of the San Francisco 49ers alleged football team.

John York is the inept and widely hated owner of the San Francisco 49ers alleged football team.

I am a frustrated and generally irate fan of the San Francisco 49ers alleged football team.
Mike Nolan is the head coach of the San Francisco 49ers alleged football team.

Jim Hostler is the alleged offensive coordinator of the San Francisco 49ers alleged football team.

John York is the inept and widely hated owner of the San Francisco 49ers alleged football team.

I am a frustrated and generally irate fan of the San Francisco 49ers alleged football team.

Sports are gay. I guess you realized you couldn't go toe to toe on the real topics. See you in the big leagues if you ever work up enough nad juice to try and take me down again.
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Sports are gay. I guess you realized you couldn't go toe to toe on the real topics. See you in the big leagues if you ever work up enough nad juice to try and take me down again.

It's times like these whenever I get a creepy feeling that me and Asshat, on some base level, are more simialar that I'd like to admit.

I don't wanna grow up!
I say B for now.

A becomes more idiotic than B if A does nothing about B in the near future.
C become more idiotic than A and B if A does nothing about B in the near future, and C does nothing about A not doing anything about B.
D becomes more idiotic when A, B, and C do nothing, and D does nothing either.
Sociopaths typically claim that healthy mental development is merely mental intimidation.

You wouldn't know healthy development if it came and assfucked with that strap on penis-knife from the the movie "se7en".

fucking fascist nihilists elitists like you pervert psychiatry and use it to deem anyone who disagrees with them mentally ill.

Take that, bitch.
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You wouldn't know healthy development if it came and assfucked with that strap on penis-knife from the the movie "se7en".

fucking fascist nihilists elitists like you pervert psychiatry and use it to deem anyone who disagrees with them mentally ill.

Take that, bitch.
I merely stated a fact: it is very common for sociopaths to look down on the emotionally healthy, regarding them as herd beasts or brainwashed. I'm not responsible for what you read into that. :cof1:
"emotional health" is subjective. Can you get that, dumbass?
To the same extent that all health is, yes. I am considered about ten pounds overweight for my height and age yet feel quite healthy. That's fine, even with my doctor -- though she grumbles a bit.

Someone with cancer is not healthy, however, no matter how they feel. Someone with schizophrenia is not healthy either, nor is a true sociopath. You can wail about "subjectivity" all you want but you can't change the facts.
Not sure about you wording there asshat, but psychiatry does strive to make the non conformists mesh in with currently acceptable society.
A) Mike Nolan, for forgetting that, unless you can win 2-0 every week, an offense is still necessary, or

B) Jim Hostler, for not only not being Norv Turner but not understanding the fact that, in football, "offense" means trying to score points, or

C) John York, for thinking he knows anything at all about football, or

D) Me, for still caring about this stupidshit team?

Sadly, it's probably (D).

While we are having this national discussion on what is or is not considered torture they ought to add watching the 49ers play right now to the torture list.