APP - Who's The Real Coward Here, Trump Or Fox News?

Hillary didn't commit any rapes. Trump is on record for his remarks about women.

How come he has thousands of women in his employ and dozens in his corporate offices? Many of them have six figures on their pay checks.

Why didn't Hillary leave Bill when she knew he was screwing around and being accused of several rapes?
1. The media is not going to control me.

2. You need to stop letting the media control you and tell you who you should vote for and who you shouldn't.

Trump canceled his press conference tonight for these very two reasons and nothing else. Fox News circled it's media wagons around Megan Daddy's Money. They are willing to lose a lot of money because of their overnight ratings without Trump. They'd rather kowtow to Daddy's Money. Fox should have replaced Kelly with another moderator.

Fox News is not running for the office of President of the United States. Megyn "Daddy's Money' Kelly is a broadcast journalist and she is not running for president.

Fox News has it's behind way up over this. I say good!

Trumps problem was with Ailes who wrote the taunt according to sources- and Trump has confirmed it.