Who's the worst president of modern times?

Who's the worst president

  • Nixon

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Ford

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carter

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Reagan

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • G HW Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GW Bush

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Obama

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
Nixon's criminal activities, his abuses of power

What abuse of power? What criminality other than his dimwitted attempts to protect the dunces who broke into DNC headquarters in an election where the Democrat lost in a massive landslide?

his lying to the nation about expanding the Vietnam war into Cambodia and Laos,

He didn’t expand the war into Cambodia and Laos you twit; the North Vietnamese did that. But you’re a partisan dunce who thinks that it is okay for the enemy to violate the sovereignty of other nations and that AmeriKa has to fight with its hands tied behind its back.
Democrats controlling the House and Senate were despicable dunces and traitors to this nation.

His bungling of the Israeli/Arab war that resulted in an oil embargo

How did Nixon have ANYTHING to do with the Arab/Israeli conflict and how could he have prevented it? It would at least be amusing to see how leftist dunces think foreign policy should be conducted.

Meanwhile the dunce you helped elect is doing nothing over there while thousands die at the hands of despots and terrorist organizations.

`which combined with his attempts at wage and price fixing and outlawing the direct convertabilty of the US dollar into gold destabalized the national economy and created a 12 year period of stagflation

I thought you leftist liked Government interventionism, price and wage laws and fiscally reckless policies that allow the Government to print money?

By the way, stagflation was coined during Carters failed Presidency, not Nixon’s.

his attempts to overtly corrupt the FBI, CIA and Justice Department

How did he corrupt the FBI, CIA and Justice Department?

Doubling the money spent on domestic entitlements to about 10% of GDP without providing the mean sto pay for them,

Yet you are fine with Obama spending trillions to promote his failed agenda; got irony?

his defunding and demoralization of the US military post Vietnam,

Wrong again dunce; you can thank the Democrats in Congress for that one.

the wreckless abandon in which he regulated the US economy...should I go on?

Versus the reckless abandon and willful deficit spending of the Obama Presidency; got irony?

Let’s face it; you’re a partisan dunce who whines about Republicans only because they don’t promote a leftist agenda. You’re a hypocrite in the worst sense of the word and on a thread about the worst President, are perfectly willing to ignore the incredible massive failure of your messiah elected on nothing more substantive than “hope and change”.
There are a variety of yardsticks that can be used to determine the quality of presidents.

One that is important is the amount of lives lost in unnecessary and unsubstantiated wars, in that category GWB is by far the worst of since at least Johnson.

Another dunce claim; that Bush caused lives in unsubstantiated wars. Where do you morons come up with this crapola? I know, you make it up to support your dullard historical ignorance and myopic global views.

Bush didn't kill any of our troops; that would be the terrorist despots who want to murder even more dimwits like you living in freedom.

Unsubstantiated war; quite the revisionist non-historical view don’t you think? You might want to read up on the Joint Resolution on Iraq and the fact that 35 nations joined Bush in his efforts to enforce the UN resolutions Saddam so easily defied.

But you're stuck on stupid and hyper partisan buffoonery. I wouldn't expect facts to have an effect on your dunce like views.
No, Nixon takes that yard stick too. Though more American lives were lost in Vietnam during LBJ's tenure more Vietnamese, Laotions and Cambodians lost their lives in greater numbers than under LBJ so Nixon loses on that yard stick too.

Ah yes; another idiots view that the Communist Vietnamese who used those nations to sustain their illegal war in the South are blameless.

I was 14 when Nixon resigned. The devisiveness in this nation during his Presidency was far greater than during Bush's. I mean if anyone is really trying to be objective in this discussion and studies the facts all others pale compared to Nixon. Nixon simply sucked.

Another historically ignorant view; the divisiveness wasn't of Nixon's making. That belongs to Johnson and the leftist news media that wanted to pin an unpopular war Nixon campaigned to end on Nixon.

But again, it is an ignorant revisionist view typified by leftists who have never shown any concern for the truth, facts or reality.
I found some to be far more comedic than others!

I am having amnesia on Ford today, can't remember any outstanding or evil policy of his administration. The others all had black eyes or worse.
Ford pardoned Nixon. Pissed a lot of people off but it was the right thing to do. If for no other reason than to end the political infighting and to move on.
Another historically ignorant view; the divisiveness wasn't of Nixon's making. That belongs to Johnson and the leftist news media that wanted to pin an unpopular war Nixon campaigned to end on Nixon.

But again, it is an ignorant revisionist view typified by leftists who have never shown any concern for the truth, facts or reality.

Do you always have strong opinions on subjects you know nothing about?
Ford pardoned Nixon. Pissed a lot of people off but it was the right thing to do. If for no other reason than to end the political infighting and to move on.

I think it was a decision that has led to other Presidents not being accountable for their criminal activity just to end political infighting.
Ranking the best - and the worst - presidents of modern times (poll)


