Why am I so tired?


Well, I entered an AKC competition that was held this weekend with my Australian Shepherd, Rory, and we showed in an event called "Rally". For those not familiar with this event, it has a lot of the competitive obedience features. Instead of performing a single instruction, then halting and proceeding to the next task at the judge's command as in Obedience, you go through a predetermined course with your dog obeying little signs posted around the course that tell you what actions to take. It's sort of like a tame Agility without the contact obstacles.

This was our first time ever in the ring together. We came out with two blue ribbons, despite my guy's spontaneous celebratory barks near the end of one walk-through. I'm really proud of him because he's been, to say the least, a challenge, even as a pet. He's a great guy, though, and has been well worth all our patience. I have competed for less than a year in Agilitiy with my Border Collie, so I'm still new at all this. It's been interesting to learn two completely different sports with two different dogs at the same time.

In addition to that, I was in charge of the hospitality for the event, and had to arrange all the food, the lunches, morning coffee and hot and cold beverages, etc., all on time. The first day I stood on concrete from 7 a.m. until about 6 p.m., including running Rory through his course. After the event was over, we all pitched in and loaded up all the equipment to return and store it in our club building. I'm still tired even after a good night's sleep last night, but we had such a good time that it doesn't matter.
I spent yesterday teaching a determined youngin' how to ride a bike. She kept trying, and trying... I couldn't get the kid to take a break.

I must have run my driveway 80 times... Which would be about 160 blocks total when it was all said and done.
Here he is.
I spent yesterday teaching a determined youngin' how to ride a bike. She kept trying, and trying... I couldn't get the kid to take a break.

I must have run my driveway 80 times... Which would be about 160 blocks total when it was all said and done.

AAAARGH! My legs hurt just reading that! It will be a fond memory someday, though, just not today, right? :)
Congratulations on the winning... Winning is always good.

Well, I was happy just to get a qualifying score. This was so new for him that I wondered if he'd be able to settle down enough when the time came. He was much better the second day than the first, but we qualified both days and even came out in front. :)
I spent yesterday lying on the couch eating potato chips. I was damned determined not to let that couch float away. The chips helped. Ballast. Damn I'm tired!!
I spent yesterday teaching a determined youngin' how to ride a bike. She kept trying, and trying... I couldn't get the kid to take a break.

I must have run my driveway 80 times... Which would be about 160 blocks total when it was all said and done.

Haha, I didn't know Watermark hadn't already learned!! :D
I won't lie. The first retort that came to mind when I read the title of this thread was "too much sex?" My dirty mind at work. Sorry Thorn.
Ya'll are whimpy. My next all weekend event is the Tour of The Scioto River Valley (TOSRV) for Columbus Outdoor Pursuits. It starts in downtown Columbus and around 5,000 folks will ride their bikes along the Scioto river down to its mouth at the Ohio river in Portsmouth (107 miles). We'll have a big pasta party in Portsmouth with lots of food, bands, arts and craft vendors, etc. We'll camp in Portsmouth and next day we'll ride back (another 107 miles) to downtown Columbus.

I hope it don't rain!
Ya'll are whimpy. My next all weekend event is the Tour of The Scioto River Valley (TOSRV) for Columbus Outdoor Pursuits. It starts in downtown Columbus and around 5,000 folks will ride their bikes along the Scioto river down to its mouth at the Ohio river in Portsmouth (107 miles). We'll have a big pasta party in Portsmouth with lots of food, bands, arts and craft vendors, etc. We'll camp in Portsmouth and next day we'll ride back (another 107 miles) to downtown Columbus.

I hope it don't rain!

Know what? I'd far rather be moving than standing still on concrete for 10 or so hours!
Well, I entered an AKC competition that was held this weekend with my Australian Shepherd, Rory, and we showed in an event called "Rally". For those not familiar with this event, it has a lot of the competitive obedience features. Instead of performing a single instruction, then halting and proceeding to the next task at the judge's command as in Obedience, you go through a predetermined course with your dog obeying little signs posted around the course that tell you what actions to take. It's sort of like a tame Agility without the contact obstacles.

This was our first time ever in the ring together. We came out with two blue ribbons, despite my guy's spontaneous celebratory barks near the end of one walk-through. I'm really proud of him because he's been, to say the least, a challenge, even as a pet. He's a great guy, though, and has been well worth all our patience. I have competed for less than a year in Agilitiy with my Border Collie, so I'm still new at all this. It's been interesting to learn two completely different sports with two different dogs at the same time.

In addition to that, I was in charge of the hospitality for the event, and had to arrange all the food, the lunches, morning coffee and hot and cold beverages, etc., all on time. The first day I stood on concrete from 7 a.m. until about 6 p.m., including running Rory through his course. After the event was over, we all pitched in and loaded up all the equipment to return and store it in our club building. I'm still tired even after a good night's sleep last night, but we had such a good time that it doesn't matter.

Congratulations to you and Rory! I just knew you wouldn't be coming home empty-handed. He's a beauty.