Why am I so tired?

No he's not, he's evil! Look at at those calculating eyes! He's all ready seduced Thorn and you can tell he's conquered Texas....is Mexico next on the Horizon? Oklahoma?? Where will it all stop?! Oh the Humanity!!!!
He's the General in the War on Cats. Don't dis the General.
Thank you guys, yes he is a looker, isn't he. Also a talker, which could get us into trouble in the ring, but he's so funny! ...
Thank you guys, yes he is a looker, isn't he. Also a talker, which could get us into trouble in the ring, but he's so funny! ...
I had fun with those Siberian huskies that were at the house, they're talkers in the way that you can get them to "howl" what sounds like words. I had them saying "I wooouuuv ouuuu" for the kids and other things when I got them to howl with me. It was awesome fun.
agreed, it is far far easier to ride a bike 100 miles than to stand (or run) on pavement.
Right....coming from a person who's done neither. Have you ever stood for 10 hours on concrete? Have you ever road a century ride? Have you ever done two of them on consecutive days? In the rain? With a 10 mph wind?

Since you haven't done it, you couldn't possibly know how hard it actually is, could you?

I agree with Thorn. I'd rather be moving around then standing on concrete as it hurts to stand on concrete all day but it's far easier to do then ride a century ride. Don't believe me? Ask Thorn, she'll explain the physiology to you.
Right....coming from a person who's done neither. Have you ever stood for 10 hours on concrete? Have you ever road a century ride? Have you ever done two of them on consecutive days? In the rain? With a 10 mph wind?

Since you haven't done it, you couldn't possibly know how hard it actually is, could you?

I agree with Thorn. I'd rather be moving around then standing on concrete as it hurts to stand on concrete all day but it's far easier to do then ride a century ride. Don't believe me? Ask Thorn, she'll explain the physiology to you.
Please. I used to ride many miles two to three times per week (about 127 miles street riding, sometimes more). I'd rather ride than run next to a bike leaning over trying to help a child feel "safe" while letting her ride...

Any day. I hurt still.
Thank you guys, yes he is a looker, isn't he. Also a talker, which could get us into trouble in the ring, but he's so funny! ...
Yea I had that problem with my Labrador. I took him into a bar one time and the bar tender got mad at me. Told me dogs weren't allowed in his bar.
I told him. "Sir, this aint no ordinary dog. He's a talking dog.".
The bartender said "Oh yea? Prove it!"
So I pointed to over my head and said "What's that?"
The dog said "Roof!"
I then said "What's sandpaper feel like boy?"
The dog said "Rough!"
I then said "Who's the greatest baseball player ever boy?"
The dog said "Ruth".
The bartender said "That's it!" and he grabbed us both by the scruff of the neck and tossed us out.

Well we both got up and started walking and the dumb dog looks over at me and say's "Guess I should have said Dimagio?"
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Please. I used to ride many miles two to three times per week (about 127 miles street riding, sometimes more). I'd rather ride than run next to a bike leaning over trying to help a child feel "safe" while letting her ride...

Any day. I hurt still.
ahh your just out of shape ya fat slob. Quit yer whining! :pke:
I had fun with those Siberian huskies that were at the house, they're talkers in the way that you can get them to "howl" what sounds like words. I had them saying "I wooouuuv ouuuu" for the kids and other things when I got them to howl with me. It was awesome fun.
My Dad used to have a Rottweiler who would howl in key with country music songs. Some of our redneck friends didn't think it was funny and thought he was being disrepectful. Dad would just say "Well you go tell him that!"
Right....coming from a person who's done neither. Have you ever stood for 10 hours on concrete? Have you ever road a century ride? Have you ever done two of them on consecutive days? In the rain? With a 10 mph wind?

Since you haven't done it, you couldn't possibly know how hard it actually is, could you?

I agree with Thorn. I'd rather be moving around then standing on concrete as it hurts to stand on concrete all day but it's far easier to do then ride a century ride. Don't believe me? Ask Thorn, she'll explain the physiology to you.

Um yes, I have done many centuries and yes, I have done them on back to back days (pretty much most weekends in the summer time)... and I have done so IN THE MOUNTAINS.

Look up the Triple Bypass bike ride in CO. I have done that multiple times. Plus Ride the Rockies, Santa Fe Century, Elephant Rock, Copper Triangle (not a century, but equivalent to a flatlander century) and I am competing in the Florida Ironman Triathlon in November.

Oh... and yes, I have also stood on pavement for 10 hours plus... that is far worse than riding a bike for 100 miles... as I stated.

So next time.... perhaps you might not want to open your pie hole... because right about now I am guessing you are thinking what the rest of us have known for a while..... and yes... you are indeed a dumbass.... opening your mouth yet again simply confirmed it.
Right....coming from a person who's done neither. Have you ever stood for 10 hours on concrete? Have you ever road a century ride? Have you ever done two of them on consecutive days? In the rain? With a 10 mph wind?

Since you haven't done it, you couldn't possibly know how hard it actually is, could you?

I agree with Thorn. I'd rather be moving around then standing on concrete as it hurts to stand on concrete all day but it's far easier to do then ride a century ride. Don't believe me? Ask Thorn, she'll explain the physiology to you.


Have you ever done a century ride while it is snowing? with gusty winds? temps around 20? at elevation?

and also, you are wrong... if you have a saddle that is properly fit and good shorts, no way is biking a century worse on the physiology than standing on hard pavement/concrete for ten hours.

Have you ever done a century ride while it is snowing? with gusty winds? temps around 20? at elevation?

and also, you are wrong... if you have a saddle that is properly fit and good shorts, no way is biking a century worse on the physiology than standing on hard pavement/concrete for ten hours.
Dumb question. I was a USCF Cat 3. I haven't ridden the rockies but I've done the tail of the dragon, Clingmans dome, Mt. Mitchell, Grandfather Mtn, Bue Ridge Pkwy, South Mtn, etc. And I done it on a steel bike so I've earned my palmares. What does your whimpy over weight pack fodder ass ride? Cannondale? LOL

and that's a dumb comment about physiology. Stick with the social sciences. The real sciences aren't your cup of tea.
Here he is.

Beautiful Dog!!!:good4u:
Dumb question. I was a USCF Cat 3. I haven't ridden the rockies but I've done the tail of the dragon, Clingmans dome, Mt. Mitchell, Grandfather Mtn, Bue Ridge Pkwy, South Mtn, etc. And I done it on a steel bike so I've earned my palmares. What does your whimpy over weight pack fodder ass ride? Cannondale? LOL

and that's a dumb comment about physiology. Stick with the social sciences. The real sciences aren't your cup of tea.

It is not a dumb question Mott as I did not know whether or not you had. Unlike you, I did not assume you hadn't. I asked.

wimpy over weight?... lol... so you will come down and join me for the Ironman?

Do enlighten us on the physiology Mr. Expert... a century ride is nothing. I feel no ill effects. I do when I have to stand on pavement for long durations.

as for my ride, for the past four+ years I have ridden a Bianchi Veloce
Dumb question. I was a USCF Cat 3. I haven't ridden the rockies but I've done the tail of the dragon, Clingmans dome, Mt. Mitchell, Grandfather Mtn, Bue Ridge Pkwy, South Mtn, etc. And I done it on a steel bike so I've earned my palmares. What does your whimpy over weight pack fodder ass ride? Cannondale? LOL

and that's a dumb comment about physiology. Stick with the social sciences. The real sciences aren't your cup of tea.

http://www.tailofthedragon.com/maps/elevation.gif (wuss ride, you should not include that as any sort of accomplishment)

http://www.freewheelers.info/images/Events/Mitchell_Climbing.jpg (now THAT .... looks like fun)

Ya'll are whimpy. My next all weekend event is the Tour of The Scioto River Valley (TOSRV) for Columbus Outdoor Pursuits. It starts in downtown Columbus and around 5,000 folks will ride their bikes along the Scioto river down to its mouth at the Ohio river in Portsmouth (107 miles). We'll have a big pasta party in Portsmouth with lots of food, bands, arts and craft vendors, etc. We'll camp in Portsmouth and next day we'll ride back (another 107 miles) to downtown Columbus.

I hope it don't rain!

I hope it does rain.
I haven't done any 100 mile rides though I did a 55 miler.
Sitting in bleachers all weekend as a parent during wrestling tournaments was the hardest thing I have ever done.