You sound like you believe in that conspiracy.
Answer the question and we'll talk.
You sound like you believe in that conspiracy.
No, your vile behavior borne of your numerous personal character flaws are nobody's problem but your own.
Conservatives have a very weak defense for conspiracy theories. Are they just more gullible than liberals or non-conservatives?
Facts do have a liberal lean to them (notice how conservatives have been on the wrong side of virtually every major issue from the past 50 years). However, there must be more to it then conservatives not being able to accept reality. Conspiracy theories are often symptoms of a mental illness.
You've had it explained to you hundreds of times since 2008.
Obama: Constitutional lawyer. Harvard Law Revue. US Senator. Natural, innate intelligence and temperament for the job.
Trump: Silver spoon baby who grew up in privilege and wealth totally out of touch with common people. Attended private schools where father's money played a bigger role in academic success than actual academic ability. Given $2 million dollars by his father to get started in business. Only specialty is setting up real estate deals. Starred in cheesy reality TV show where he "hired" and "fired" people like Gary Busey and Meatloaf.
You tell me which one was more qualified and fit for office.
What were his qualifications?
There were none. He was the least qualified President in American history. He was elected for bein' black. Period.
Obama did not. Trump has tons of Exec experience.
No this bureaucratic resistance has existed for years; Trump just re-coined it to bring it to your attention. A simple example is when Congress renamed what is now Reagan airport. It took years to have the signs changed because the liberal deep state made every excuse to delay, delay.
One such as yourself should know this but; the conservative brain is simply less evolved. They base their thoughts on fear not facts.
The reptillian brain ( the brain stem)
guides them.
As proven by the followers of talk radio, Hannity and Bill O ' Really, they are incapable of critical thought.
This is not my theory, there have been many studies.
Running the free world is not the same as losing money is business dumb cluck.
Running the free world shouldn't be based on skin color as a social experiment as it was attempted between 2009 - 2017.
It wasn't, peckerwood.
That's just one of the many piles of bullshit you use to hide your ignorant peckerwood racism behind.
Oh the irony
I'll understand if you can't explain yourself.
That's the typical and automatic answer from NL like you that aren't man enough to admit what the rest of us know about you. Tell your bullshit to someone that doesn't know better, BOY.
You know squat.
You don't even know that you're a piece of peckerwood trash.
I know your kind, boy. A nigger through and through. I try to look past it because I know you can't help the way you were born. If you wouldn't let it come out, no one would say anything to you about it.
Nobody gives a shit what a dirty low-class peckerwood son of a crack whore says about them.