Why are racists drawn to the Republican party, and to Trump in particular?

and because you listen to only right wing doctered media you dont see your fuck is about to leave office
lol......this from the lib'ruls who've been trying to count the votes for impeachment ever since November......and think there's actually evidence of Russian collusion......

Nooooooooo, nice try, although overwhelmingly voted against by the people, he won the election, and has been bringing shame and repulse on the country ever since, his removal, and remember this post, when it happens, will come from his own party

and by the way, I'm non-partisan
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Nooooooooo, nice try, although overwhelmingly voted against by the people, he won the election, and has been bringing shame and repulse on the country ever since, his removal, and remember this post, when it happens, will come from his own party

and by the way, I'm non-partisan
oh bullshit.....obviously on the issue of butthurtism you are not non-anything......just the "overwhelmingly voted against by the people" shows you in that lie.....he won the election and you idiotic lib'ruls have been bringing shame on your reputation for rationality ever since......
oh bullshit.....obviously on the issue of butthurtism you are not non-anything......just the "overwhelmingly voted against by the people" shows you in that lie.....he won the election and you idiotic lib'ruls have been bringing shame on your reputation for rationality ever since......

:) Thanks for the laugh, I'm going to have to use that one "butthurtism" you a mess, but remember this post when the GOP oust him, have a blessed day
America is great! and has always been, and will always be despite your kind,
How can you even say such a thing, pervert? YOU are the flag burning degenerates. YOU are the assholes screaming for change. WE just want America great again. Under YOUR control, America morphs into a total knockoff.

Go fuck yourselves.

Make America unrecognizable again!

-- The Left
How can you even say such a thing, pervert? YOU are the flag burning degenerates. YOU are the assholes screaming for change. WE just want America great again. Under YOUR control, America morphs into a total knockoff.

Go fuck yourselves.

Granny has been taking Scareamoochie lessons...
Buck Job just sits there with its hands down its pants. lol

ScareaMoochie lasted what ...about ten minutes?

ScareaMoochie lasted what ...about ten minutes?

I think it was a little longer than that, butt fuck. :rolleyes:

Still, change is inevitable when you get a guy like Donald Trump in the Oval Office. There's little room for error when you're trying to drain the swamp. Of course, being that you're somewhat of a swamp thing yourself, you can't possibly understand what I'm talking about.

The point is, plan on more changes, and lots of them. One day things will come together, and even though you racists will still be kicking and screaming, the rest of America will finally breathe a sigh of relief. ;)
I think it was a little longer than that, butt fuck. :rolleyes:

Still, change is inevitable when you get a guy like Donald Trump in the Oval Office. There's little room for error when you're trying to drain the swamp. Of course, being that you're somewhat of a swamp thing yourself, you can't possibly understand what I'm talking about.

The point is, plan on more changes, and lots of them. One day things will come together, and even though you racists will still be kicking and screaming, the rest of America will finally breathe a sigh of relief. ;)

The only relief will be when Trumpty resigns in the face of impeachment...