Why Are Rightists So Scared To Discuss?

How about frame the question this way. This board is dominated by Boomers. What is it about Boomers that make so many of you act like you are still in high school?

I think I should mention that everyone including the boomers acts like they are back in high school here. Many of the older posters are also leftists.
Yes. When they start the game, don't be surprised if we play their game.

Read the posts I replied to. That's the Rightists' contribution.

Take CFM and Truth Denier as examples.

Always blaming others and making excuses for what you said.
There are some rational intelligent righties here. Unfortunately the majority are screaming vulgar little baboons who can only vomit out Fox talking points, foul personal insults, and nonsense.

Says the one that just called those on the right "vulgar little baboons".

Prove your cowardice and how much control I have over you.
Yes. When they start the game, don't be surprised if we play their game.

Read the posts I replied to. That's the Rightists' contribution.

Take CFM and Truth Denier as examples.

That's you're problem. You look at it as a game. You think it's trolling. That's where you lose.
How about frame the question this way. This board is dominated by Boomers. What is it about Boomers that make so many of you act like you are still in high school?

Ironically, your post was thanked by H. Moon, who frequently tells other ppl that "no one likes you," "everyone here hates you," "everyone thinks you're a jerk/prick/bitch/bastard/asshole."

You're first mistake is thinking those on the right are capable of having a rational.

They aren't even human.

They are the scum of the earth and don't deserve a seat at the table.........it's why they cheat.
How about frame the question this way. This board is dominated by Boomers. What is it about Boomers that make so many of you act like you are still in high school?

This board is dominated by the racist right....including the mods.

Why do you racist fuck piss down yall's legs and say it's raining

You can tell it's dominated by the racist right when no on checks you on these types of lies.
There are some rational intelligent righties here. Unfortunately the majority are screaming vulgar little baboons who can only vomit out Fox talking points, foul personal insults, and nonsense.

Can you name them? How can a racist be rational?
Can you name them? How can a racist be rational?

Not everyone on the right is a racist, nor can you correctly say that all whites are racist. Flash is one rightie who can discuss issues rationally; leaningright is another. Those are just a couple off the top of my head. It's hard to recall them all because on JPP the civil, rational righties get out-screamed by the larger horde of blathering racist low-info idiots. Kind of like TRE45ON's violent and racist rhetoric drowned out the more moderate candidates' voices in 2016.
Not everyone on the right is a racist, nor can you correctly say that all whites are racist. Flash is one rightie who can discuss issues rationally; leaningright is another. Those are just a couple off the top of my head. It's hard to recall them all because on JPP the civil, rational righties get out-screamed by the larger horde of blathering racist low-info idiots. Kind of like TRE45ON's violent and racist rhetoric drowned out the more moderate candidates' voices in 2016.

Then why do they support racism? I'm sorry, a rational person wouldn't support such hatred.

This is part of the problem with moderates and some dems. There's no middle of the road.

How can you support racism but not be racist?
Why are Rightists so scared?
I'm not.

Do they really like their echo chambers? That has to be so boring.
Nope. I hate echo chambers. I like to swim in the big boy pool.

I came here expecting rational people who hail from the right. Boy I was very disappointed.
NEVER FEAR!!! A rational person hailing from the right is here!

I've had great discussions with rational conservatives on Fox News.

So, what do you wish to discuss with a rational righty such as myself?
Then why do they support racism? I'm sorry, a rational person wouldn't support such hatred.

This is part of the problem with moderates and some dems. There's no middle of the road.

How can you support racism but not be racist?

Define "racism". I bet you don't even know what it is...