Why are the majority of mass shooters

Sometimes true, but some people are just wired wrong. This guy (the FedEx shooter) was!

Brandon Hole, 19, was well known to be mentally ill well before he committed mass murder and suicide. Why didn't Indiana give him the treatment he needed before he harmed others and himself?

The 19-year-old gunman who killed eight workers and himself at an Indianapolis FedEx center was a former employee who was placed under psychiatric detention last year after his mother reported concerns he might commit “suicide by cop,” police and FBI said....

...It lasted only a couple of minutes and was over by the time police responded to the scene, Craig McCartt, the Indianapolis police department's deputy chief, told a news briefing on Friday.

Witnesses described a chaotic attack, as the gunman opened fire with a rifle in the parking lot before entering the facility and continuing to shoot, leaving victims both inside and outside the building. Officers found the suspect dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

A FedEx spokeswoman and police identified the gunman as Brandon Hole, a former employee at the facility. McCartt told reporters the suspect was believed to have last worked at the plant in the fall of 2020.

Asked what brought him back to the facility on Thursday night, McCartt replied: "I wish I could answer that."

Why are the majority of mass shooters Aggrieved white males with mental health issues?

Why are you such a lying, dishonest, moronic race hustling worthless piece of human filth? We need hip waders to get through the bullshit you post. :palm:

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Gangland shootings use to be called just that....gangland shootings, or massacres. Now with the abscence of mafia or organized crime, you have drug gangs earning the crown of "gangster"....but now you have this full court press to equate what use to be connected to the gangsters' criminal activities of drug running and general turf war shoot outs with that of lone mass shooters who are either mentally off or with some type of irrational grudge/complaint to act on. Could it be that the majority of gangster shootings are with black gangs, and the majority of mass shooters lone white men? :thinking:

Lone white shooters who couldn’t get a hard on last night, so lots of innocent people must die.

If it were only that simple, you'd think cialis or viagra would solve that problem. Hell, their advertised on commercial TV.
They aren't. The vast majority of mass killings are not the sensationalized white guy, instead they are most often drive by shootings and gang violence, we as a nation tend to ignore violence if we believe it is "bad guys killing bad guys" regardless of the collateral damage and they simply are not covered as heavily in national news cycles nor treated as if they are the tragedy that I believe that they are.

Then that would be "mass murder."

I guess you can count any time anyone shoots more than one bullet at the shooting range as a "mass shooting", but the technical definition that most counters of mass shootings use is multiple people being shot and killed. A mass shooting where no one is shot is not considered a shooting, because in this definition, there must be someone shot for it to be a shooting.

You may not think any of this is fair, but it is a standard way to count mass shootings that has been completely clear and transparently done.
Aggrieved white males with mental health issues?



Muslim? Maybe it's dat "Allah Ackbar" stuff. :dunno:
Nugent was actually proud that he was a child molester, up until recently. Someone finally sat him down and explained that most Americans find his child molesting sick.

Oh, so you base your ignorance of millions of gun owners on some unfounded accusation about ONE member?

Walt, you are truly an idiot.
Gangland shootings use to be called just that....gangland shootings, or massacres. Now with the abscence of mafia or organized crime, you have drug gangs earning the crown of "gangster"....but now you have this full court press to equate what use to be connected to the gangsters' criminal activities of drug running and general turf war shoot outs with that of lone mass shooters who are either mentally off or with some type of irrational grudge/complaint to act on. Could it be that the majority of gangster shootings are with black gangs, and the majority of mass shooters lone white men? :thinking:
Gangland shootings use to be called just that....gangland shootings, or massacres. Now with the abscence of mafia or organized crime, you have drug gangs earning the crown of "gangster"....but now you have this full court press to equate what use to be connected to the gangsters' criminal activities of drug running and general turf war shoot outs with that of lone mass shooters who are either mentally off or with some type of irrational grudge/complaint to act on. Could it be that the majority of gangster shootings are with black gangs, and the majority of mass shooters lone white men? :thinking:

Great post
For anybody who has a problem with the white men committing higher percentage of mass shootings, here's the graph.


If you sum up the total of non-whites on the graph, you'll see it doesn't come close.

Blacks in I'm the past 39 years were 13% of the population, Asians about 4%, Latinos about 12% & Whites about 70%.

So, actually Asians in per capita terms were most likely followed by Blacks.

With Whites & Latinos about tied for less.