Why are the majority of mass shooters

I wonder why.

The autism appears to be just biological bad luck. Some of the rest was having a mother who abused alcohol while pregnant with him, and having adoptive parents who were violent and uncaring. Them dying when he was still young did not help. He was semi-homeless.

Cruz had a lot of problems. Allowing him to buy guns may not have been the best idea given his problems.
The autism appears to be just biological bad luck. Some of the rest was having a mother who abused alcohol while pregnant with him, and having adoptive parents who were violent and uncaring. Them dying when he was still young did not help. He was semi-homeless.

Cruz had a lot of problems. Allowing him to buy guns may not have been the best idea given his problems.

Or maybe, it's exactly what it looked like.
I don't know, G.

But this is who and what we are.
Why is it so hard to accept the obvious?

The entire world sees Americans as the people with guns who routinely shoot one another.
We have a few people among our own who find this repugnant,
and they speak up a lot to sound as if they are greater in number than they are.

Most of us, however, are armed killers by nature and spend our lives suppressing it if we can.
The ones who aren't by nature are trained by the government to become such whenever we decide to have a military draft
as was the case when I was young.

If people are born in a shooting gallery, the ones who get to grow up at all grow up to be shooters.
Some people have problems accepting the truth about themselves, especially where it comes to being born an armed and dangerous American.
I've learned to live with it.

did you learn this in your racial affinity group meeting?

you've fallen for many lies. that proves you're an imbecile.
You just contradicted yourself :palm:

Where did I contradict myself? "A lot" does not mean "most". A strangely high number of mass shooters/terrorists are older than you would expect. Most are in their 20's, but it is bizarre how many are in their 50's and 60's.
The autism appears to be just biological bad luck. Some of the rest was having a mother who abused alcohol while pregnant with him, and having adoptive parents who were violent and uncaring. Them dying when he was still young did not help. He was semi-homeless.

Cruz had a lot of problems. Allowing him to buy guns may not have been the best idea given his problems.

if he killed millions like stalin he'd be your hero.
Another millennial. What the hell do they teach these kids in school, or don't teach them?
When I was that age, I could buy any gun I wanted without a background check and none
of this shit was happening. We took guns to school and left them in unlocked cars and they
were legally ours, we knew better than to shoot people. What has changed?

deep state and billionaires are destroying social cohesion on purpose. its just what they do. defund fascists.
what's your take on the population reduction agenda?

We need more of these on our border wall


This may seem simplistic to some, especially those who are also affected by the same social forces who would likely say, "it didn't affect ME like that!" Or, "How come we don't see dozens and dozens of shootings like this all the time?"

We do, but we have become accustomed to them. AND there are OTHER symptoms besides this. AND there will be more like this as time goes on. And worse than this, I fear.

This guy and all like them, are just like canaries in the coal mines kept there as a barometer of the air quality in the mine. When the canaries fell dead to the floor of their cage, the miners would know their own lives were in danger because the canaries keeled over from the poison gases in their subterranean atmosphere. If they didn't get out of there FAST, they would succumb to that same toxic environment next.

Over the years, the move to make America Communist released poisons into our society which have made our society toxic and has slowly taken us down, down, down to the danger zone.

The reasons started when Communism set out to conquer America.

45 Communist goals for America - TheBlaze

Setting these goals was designed to make US think and feel differently than we HAD been thinking in the 1950s and before. They were meant to make US want to follow Communism. Accomplishing these goals in America meant setting social rules that were not natural to US. The new rules stopped us from thinking and doing things we used to normally do and begin doing things that Communists do or the things that people thought and did before they began doing what Communists do.

Bottom line, the Communists have tried to make America Communist, but we were already well steeped in AMERICANISM and like what happens climatologically when a cold front meets a warm front. Violent thunderstorms and tornadoes and hurricanes happen.

A-Hole is a drop of rain compared to what other changes are in store for US.

This is the copy & pasted results from the 1st page of a web search.

How many more do you need to see before we believe it and begin to focus on the attempts to brainwash and conquer our society as the reasons America is "going to hell in a hand basket?"

45 Communist goals for America - TheBlaze
Search domain www.theblaze.com/45-communist-goalshttps://www.theblaze.com/45-communist-goals
45 Communist goals for America 1. U.S. should accept coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. should be willing to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. These encapsulate the Kennan Doctrine,... 3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the U.S. would be a ...
The 45 Communist Goals (1963) - edberry.com
Search domain edberry.com/blog/polymontana/political-platforms/the-45-communist-goals-1963/https://edberry.com/blog/polymontana/political-platforms/the-45-communist-goals-1963/
The 45 Communist Goals (1963) By Dr. Ed July 4, 2020. April 6, 2021. April 6, 2021. "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: Its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.". - Joseph Stalin.
45 Declared Communist Takeover Goals (1963)
Search domain www.usa-anti-communist.com/pdf1/45_...t.com/pdf1/45_Declared_Takover_Goals_1963.pdf
45 Declared Communist Takeover Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 45 Declared Communist Takeover Goals 1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 3.
The 45 Communist Goals As Read Into the Congressional ...
Search domain www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchw...-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963.html
THE 45 COMMUNIST GOALS AS READ INTO THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, 1963 1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a ...
The Communist Party's 45 Goals to Destroy the United ...
Search domain www.citizensjournal.us/the-communis...partys-45-goals-to-destroy-the-united-states/
The 45 long range Goals of the Communists Party USA to destroy the United States are listed in the article written by Daniel Mark Waghelstein, posted below the signature block. The goal of the Communist Party USA is to remove President Donald J. Trump from office in the November, so the elected Socialists, Marxists, and Communists in the Biden administration can change the government of the US Constitution Republic into the Socialist Republic of America.
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Search domain rense.com/general32/americ.htmhttps://rense.com/general32/americ.htm
On January 10, 1963, the House of Representatives and later the Senate began reviewing a document entitled 'Communist Goals for Taking Over America.' It contained an agenda of 45 separate issues (attacks and techniques) that, in hindsight, were quite shocking then and equally stunning today.
The 45 Communist Goals - Congressional Record 1963
Search domain www.hiddendominion.com/45-communist...45-communist-goals-congressional-record-1963/
The 45 Communist Goals - Congressional Record 1963 1. U.S. should accept coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. should be willing to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. These encapsulate the Kennan Doctrine,... 3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the ...
45 Communist Goals For The USA In 1963 - How Many Have ...
Search domain stuffnobodycaresabout.com/2019/05/01/45-communist-goals/https://stuffnobodycaresabout.com/2019/05/01/45-communist-goals/
In 1963 Florida (Democratic) Congressman Albert "Syd" Herlong read into the Congressional Record, "45 Goals of Communists" to bring about in the United States. One of Herlong's constituents, Mrs. Patricia Nordman provided the list which came from a book by Willard Cleon Skousen, The Naked Communist, (1958).
Communist Goals | Newsmax.com
Search domain www.newsmax.com/Pre-2008/Communist-...re-2008/Communist-Goals/2003/05/08/id/675822/
On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen's book "The Naked Communist." These principles are well worth revisiting today in order to gain...
Read The Secret 45 Goals of Communism Leaked to Congress ...
Search domain www.educationviews.org/read-the-sec...oals-of-communism-leaked-to-congress-in-1963/
In the early 1960's US intelligence obtained the 45 goals communist internationals intended to carry out to destroy western civilization & Christianity In 1963, congressman Hon. A.S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 communist goals into the congressional record in an attempt to warn America about the dangers of the movement.
Searches related to "45 communist goals"

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congressional record january 10 1963​
1963 communist plan to destroy america​
1963 communist goals for america​
45 communist goals pdf​
45 declared goals of communism​
1963 congressional record 45 goals​
45 communist goals 1958​
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what's your take on the population reduction agenda?

I doubt it really exists... Or to be more accurate, really exists like the Alt Right believes it does.

China did push a One Child policy, which did mean they spent more on educating children, and that has led to some amazing economic growth. But other countries have done more, without any forcing. If you give women the education they need, and the freedom to get birth control, then they will use birth control. If you make sure that children live to adulthood, they will no longer need to have more children just in case. As children become more a cost than a benefit, the incentives to have children reverse.
I doubt it really exists... Or to be more accurate, really exists like the Alt Right believes it does.

China did push a One Child policy, which did mean they spent more on educating children, and that has led to some amazing economic growth. But other countries have done more, without any forcing. If you give women the education they need, and the freedom to get birth control, then they will use birth control. If you make sure that children live to adulthood, they will no longer need to have more children just in case. As children become more a cost than a benefit, the incentives to have children reverse.

do you think the world is overpopulated?
I doubt it really exists... Or to be more accurate, really exists like the Alt Right believes it does.

China did push a One Child policy, which did mean they spent more on educating children, and that has led to some amazing economic growth. But other countries have done more, without any forcing. If you give women the education they need, and the freedom to get birth control, then they will use birth control. If you make sure that children live to adulthood, they will no longer need to have more children just in case. As children become more a cost than a benefit, the incentives to have children reverse.

The Club Of Rome was formed in 1968, and immediately focused on population. A prominent part of the Club of Rome's agenda was population reduction. In 1972 a group of Club "scientists" under the United Nation's (UN) direction, published a paper called ' Limits to Growth , which called for greatly reduced human population in the name of "saving the environment."