I'm Watermark
Corporate/income tax system overhaul for one. Women's rights issues...specifically equal pay. Jobs bill that would use revenue from the thieves on Wall St.(via reform that is still being blocked by republicans) to make up for outsourced labor in virtually every manufacturing area.
That's for starters.
And restructuring of our racist criminal justice system? There's a bi-partisan consensus against that. A minimum wage to keep up with productivity? $9/hr sure is progressive... under Tsar Alexander III. An end to the government enforcement of oppressive business models? Again, bi-partisan concensus. The increase (or even maintenance) of social programs like SS? Three cheers for privatization! Legislation to limit carbon emissions? Nah, public opinion is for democracy, the civilized elites. And turns it it was a Republican, George Shultz, who proposed that, not mainstream Democrats. An increase in corporate tax rates? I stand in awe that out socialist president can lower them. Legislation against outsourcing? How about election reform? Maybe a minimum income? Or even just for those raising children? Per chance, could your guys have stood against brutal dictatorships, and with budding democracies?
The way I see it, the Democratic Party is either serially incompetent, or outright malicious.