APP - Why are they demanding ID?

Mine was first. It is a shame that the lefties can't discuss this without insults. Why are they so afraid of APP?

I don't think anyone is afaid. Just jaded by years of posting threads up here only to see them fall off the page unanswered.

As to your OP, ironic that a site called thinker would post something the author put so little thought into; clearly the dos and don't are intended to enable a successful, smooth and trouble free demonstration, since cops are easier to deal with if one readilly provides I.D.

These are generic suggestions, applicable to all demonstrations, the only hypocrisy is in the OP's mind.
I don't think anyone is afaid. Just jaded by years of posting threads up here only to see them fall off the page unanswered.

As to your OP, ironic that a site called thinker would post something the author put so little thought into; clearly the dos and don't are intended to enable a successful, smooth and trouble free demonstration, since cops are easier to deal with if one readilly provides I.D.

These are generic suggestions, applicable to all demonstrations, the only hypocrisy is in the OP's mind.

LMAO; it's not hypocrisy, but a delightful irony that people protesting voter ID have to provide ID to protest ID.

It illustrates the blatant stupidity in arguments that voter ID discriminates.
No, the agenda is the attempt by the far right to stay in power by reducing the number of voters. They have admitted as much publicly.

Well, if those who are voting cannot legally vote; so be it. I am sure the cheating dunces in the DNC would love to bus all the ignorant illegal aliens they can round up to win elections because they arrogantly presume they are entitled to rule based on caring more than anyone else on the planet; but that is not how things work here.

So far, we have not turned into the third world shithole Obama wants us to be and the Republicans are doing exactly what they were elected to do; stop the insanity.
No, the agenda is the attempt by the far right to stay in power by reducing the number of voters. They have admitted as much publicly.

Morons shouldn't be voting, anyway. I'm personally glad that 51% of eligible voters don't bother showing up at the polls, because they would have sunk this country ages ago. If another 10% or so joined them, we would definitely be better off. I read once that the highest percentage of voter turnout for a presidential election was in 1840 for William Henry Harrison. Now, that's not a bad thing, because he was a Whig, and likely would have been a decent president if he hadn't caught pneumonia and died one month into his presidency, but the reason so many turned out was because the Harrison campaign threw the best parties in US election history. There was always plenty of alcohol to go around.

Morons shouldn't be voting, anyway. I'm personally glad that 51% of eligible voters don't bother showing up at the polls, because they would have sunk this country ages ago. If another 10% or so joined them, we would definitely be better off. I read once that the highest percentage of voter turnout for a presidential election was in 1840 for William Henry Harrison. Now, that's not a bad thing, because he was a Whig, and likely would have been a decent president if he hadn't caught pneumonia and died one month into his presidency, but the reason so many turned out was because the Harrison campaign threw the best parties in US election history. There was always plenty of alcohol to go around.


If 10 % of the spectrum stopped voting the GOP would be out on it's fat ass. It is only by targeting the poverty riven for dis-enfranchisement that the GOP can gain power.