APP - Why are they demanding ID?

I don't think anyone is afaid. Just jaded by years of posting threads up here only to see them fall off the page unanswered.

As to your OP, ironic that a site called thinker would post something the author put so little thought into; clearly the dos and don't are intended to enable a successful, smooth and trouble free demonstration, since cops are easier to deal with if one readilly provides I.D.

These are generic suggestions, applicable to all demonstrations, the only hypocrisy is in the OP's mind.

Very good pRune....excellent reason to have an ID......and its just as clear as the voter ID is intended to enable a successful, smooth and troublefree election...and might I
add, HONEST election....since the poll-watchers do not have the means to guarantee that every voter is a legitimate voter.
No, the agenda is the attempt by the far right to stay in power by reducing the number of voters. They have admitted as much publicly.

Reducing the number of 'illegal' voters is not a bad thing....voter ID's are free for them most part and you have months and months before election time to get one....
Voter ID is simply a substitute for Jim Crow. Using voter ID lends a patina of validity to an otherwise racist and anti-democratic policy. If it were a serious act it would not include removing voter places and shortening hours etc. Only a rabid partisan or a fool thinks otherwise.
Very good pRune....excellent reason to have an ID......and its just as clear as the voter ID is intended to enable a successful, smooth and troublefree election...and might I
add, HONEST election....since the poll-watchers do not have the means to guarantee that every voter is a legitimate voter.

Can you vote without being a registered voter? Can non-citizens register to vote?

Why are you so retarded?
I don't think anyone is afaid. Just jaded by years of posting threads up here only to see them fall off the page unanswered.

As to your OP, ironic that a site called thinker would post something the author put so little thought into; clearly the dos and don't are intended to enable a successful, smooth and trouble free demonstration, since cops are easier to deal with if one readilly provides I.D.

These are generic suggestions, applicable to all demonstrations, the only hypocrisy is in the OP's mind.

You don't actually expect the pack of partisan Righties we've got here to honestly discuss why protesters were asked to bring ID's, now do you?